Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the weekend, Cutetropolitans! Greeting us today is Butch, “modeling his finest tux and spats” sa,ys sender-inner Tara O.

BONUS! The extremely rare Caturday dog! Reader Ed C. writes: “This video is of my friend Scott S’s almost-two-year-old Scottish terrier, Mollie. She takes a while to warm up to people, but she’s starting to trust me, as you can see. Scott and my brother Alan are playing guitars in the background.”

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36 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Dubravkamcvmd July 10, 2021 / 8:50 am

    Butch is a handsome snd sensitive (look at those eyes!) boy. Mollie’s gentle affection is so sweet.

  2. AJ July 10, 2021 / 9:41 am

    What a handsome boy, and the name Butch totally suits him. And then follows with sweet Mollie. Great way to start a Saturday!

    We might do something tonight we haven’t done in almost forever – go to a drive-in movie. Figure it’s less risky than going to a regular movie theatre. Ahh, memories of my childhood.

  3. Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 10, 2021 / 9:46 am

    Butch looks very elegant! Mollie is adorable. Bibi approves of Caturday Dogs!

  4. Georgiana July 10, 2021 / 10:11 am

    Is Butch missing the top of his left ear? Not that it takes away any of his handsomeness, just makes him look like a bit of a tough character. Especially compared to sweet Mollie.

    Since we are finally all fully vaccinated we’re going to have lunch today with my husband’s bother and sister, something we haven’t done in almost a year.

    • Beth July 10, 2021 / 10:17 am

      A clipped ear usually means a stray/feral cat was caught, neutered, and released again. The ear lets trappers know the cat has already been…processed.

      I hope Butch now lives in the luxury of his preference, and which his dapper cat suit merits. LOVE a tuxie.

  5. Duckie 🐥 July 10, 2021 / 11:47 am

    Hooray for the weekend.
    Butch and Mollie, come snuggle with me. Pneumonia meds are working, but I’m still so tired that I’m having afternoon naps, and you two would make it even more therapeutic.
    Major family party two weeks from tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
    Duckie has begun napping with her head under her wings. The first time startled me completely, as I couldn’t figure out what was going on, and thought my budgie was broken!
    Hoping everyone has a relaxing weekend.

    • Kar July 10, 2021 / 4:39 pm

      Your body’s telling you to nap for a reason so why not lean into it?

  6. Dulcie July 10, 2021 / 11:53 am

    Butch is handsome and he knows it. The penetrating stare!! That pose is right out of Tomcat Quarterly. Work it Butch. 😁

    And sweet Molly! Looks like she has pawed that fellow’s jeans A LOT hee hee. 😊

  7. Tara July 10, 2021 / 12:21 pm

    Happy Caturday All! Thank you for the kind words about my sweet Butchie! Yes, he was indeed a feral cat, roaming my garden for about a year – but darting away in terror before I could come too close. I decided he could stay but he had to be fixed and vaccinated. Caught him, took care of business, and kept him in a bathroom during recovery, which he broke out of through the window screen. He spent another year outside zooming away from me until one night I had some leftover bbq. I think that’s when the penny dropped “oh food? skritches weren’t so bad, I could get used to this!” He moved in a few months later. And its a lovely coincidence to share the spotlight with sweet Mollie! I often introduce him as “my dog” Butch. He follows me everywhere and always comes when I call. It’s too bad I had to clip his ear, it sort of spoils the perfect symmetry of his look, but it was the only option at the time.

    Starting to get all of my favorite summer foods in the farm share, corn, zucchini, sweet onions, tomatoes and herbs. I’m going to make one of my favs, Farmer’s Market Pappardelle https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/farmers-market-pappardelle-51174410 Stitch and Bitch is tomorrow so I’ll be baking a pineapple cheesecake too. yum yum.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day!

    • Dulcie July 10, 2021 / 1:03 pm

      What a great story Tara. I’ll bet Butch is now wondering what took him so long!
      I do not like the ear tip thing either. I understand it, but totally wish it didn’t need to be done ☹️.

  8. Alice Shortcake July 10, 2021 / 12:43 pm

    I have to report a farcical incident at the Shortcakery last Wednesday evening. For months I’d been looking forward to my first theatre trip for almost eighteen months, so I got dressed up in plenty of time…and that’s when things started to go horribly wrong. Out of the blue I was struck by inspiration for a poem, and thinking I had oodles of time I started to write it down. You can guess what happened – I was so busy communing with the muse I lost track of time. When I realized how late it was I barely had time to slap on some makeup, find my ticket and dash out of the house at 7.35 (the play started at 8.00 and it takes 18 minutes to walk to the theatre). But when I got to the end of the street I remembered that due to the Covid restrictions I had to be there absolutely no later than 7.40! Even a taxi, had there been one handy, couldn’t have got me there in time. So my next theatre trip will now be in October.

    screams in frustration 😩

    • dubravkamcvmd July 10, 2021 / 1:03 pm

      COVID Confusion – lots of that around.

      • Alice Shortcake July 10, 2021 / 1:09 pm

        On the bright side, I ended up with a usable poem for my proposed book!

          • Alice Shortcake July 10, 2021 / 4:57 pm

            Yes – two, actually. One I think of as responses to Shakespeare (the outing-ruining poem is written from the Nurse’s POV a year after Juliet’s death) and one inspired by English folklore and customs.

            • Emsthemonster July 10, 2021 / 4:59 pm

              “Responses to Shakespeare” you are brilliant, Alice!

            • dubravkamcvmd July 10, 2021 / 6:07 pm

              Responses to Shakespeare! Did you, or do you, have an academic career? It sounds like you’re able to write somewhat easily. I retired from the practice of law. When I was in practice, I did litigation, primarily writing, and it did not flow.

              • Alice Shortcake July 10, 2021 / 6:33 pm

                Far from it, I left school at 16 – I would have liked to go to university but family problems intervened – and most of my jobs have been in factories.

                • Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 10, 2021 / 7:02 pm

                  I’ve always said there’s a BIG difference between credentials and qualifications, and it’s the latter that count. I’m really sorry you missed your theatrical outing, but I can’t wait to read your poetry.

                  • Dulcie July 10, 2021 / 7:07 pm

                    My mom used to refer to working folk who were wise, clever, learned and articulate, as “Rhodes-side” scholars. I loved that saying!

                • Dubravkamcvmd July 10, 2021 / 7:23 pm

                  A surprise. I thought you were going to say you’d retired from teaching literature .

  9. Dulcie July 10, 2021 / 1:09 pm

    Oh Alice what a bummer.
    We’ve booked tickets for outdoor theatre in Aug. I will endeavour not to write poetry that evening lol.

  10. allein 🐾 July 10, 2021 / 1:30 pm

    Butch is very dapper and Mollie is very sweet. We had a family friend when I was a kid who had a black Scottie named Ralph. He could say his name. (Also my dad’s family calls him Butch. My dad is so not a Butch.😄)

    Glad your meds are helping, Duckie. Also glad Duckie didn’t lose his head.

    I, too, wholeheartedly approve of Caturday dogs. Today I come with a Caturday birb.

    • Dulcie July 10, 2021 / 3:11 pm

      “lemon meringuin” 🤣🤣

  11. Debg July 10, 2021 / 3:13 pm

    I’m late to the party today. I could have used the pick-me-up from Mr. James Bond Butch and the kissiness of Molly. They are both so charming!

    How’s everybody feeling? Several folks mentioned various unwellnesses over the past week.

    Spent the morning wrassling with a DIY project. It should have been simple. I should have made lots more progress. Unfortunately, nothing in my house is straight–not door frames, not walls, not anything. So after working for about 4 hours, it seemed time to take a refreshing shower and see how my elbow would do after hammering. I may not get up from the couch again!

    Still waiting for the delivery notification of my Litter Robot. I so can’t wait to see if it really lives up to its promise!

    Happy day, everyone.

    • Emsthemonster July 10, 2021 / 3:52 pm

      My house is like that too.

      Looking forward to hearing your kitties’ opinion on Little Robot!

  12. Emsthemonster July 10, 2021 / 3:46 pm

    Butch and Mollie are lovely. I like how serious Butch looks.

    Yet another crappy week- weekend at the monster household.

    On Wednesday I got my second shot of Covid vaccine, I just felt weak at first, but nothing serious. I had a full night’s sleep, which is so rare that my body didn’t even understand what was happening. I had so much energy on Thursday that I started doing my regular exercises, although some people warned me that I should wait a few days after the shot. Of course I already had high temperature on Friday.

    On Friday morning I felt something strange about my face. Then I got up, looked in the mirror and I could not believe my own eyes. I had an allergic reaction ( probably to a new ice-cream I never bought before) and my face and lips were totally swollen in a strange distorted way, I looked like a Neanderthaler woman.

    I called my friend in terror only to realise I wasn’t even able to speak properly with my swollen lips and I talked like a ssssssnake with lots of ssss. The lots of ssss made it sound like slurred speech. Of course she was totally scared, she thought I might have had a minor stroke but I quickly texted her to calm her and asked her to go to the pharmacy for me. My doctor is on a two weeks’ holiday. As I could breathe and with some difficulty I could drink water, I didn’t want to call an ambulance. After a few hours my head started to resemble its normal form and size but I got covered in painful rashes on my legs.

    Anyway, I learnt that

    allergy diet needs to be taken seriously, no experimenting. (I have a problem like this every 10 years)
    Lip fillers are a waste of money not that I ever thought of getting them 🙂 I even forgot to take some pouting selfies for FB.
    I need to appreciate my regular Plain Jane looks, it can be much worse 🙂

    As I have painful rashes and high temperature I don’t have much energy to do the household chores. At least I’m in a good mood. 2021 still delivers!

    • dubravkamcvmd July 10, 2021 / 4:00 pm

      If I understood you correctly a similar allergic reaction happened to you 10 years ago? And you believe it’s from eating an ice cream you’d never eaten before? Piled onto side effects from the second vaccine shot. I admire your sang froid. I too am a big believer in if it’s going away forget about it, but that’s a lot piled on at once. There are no walk-in health clinics near you that you’d trust?

      • Emsthemonster July 10, 2021 / 4:41 pm

        I had a really brutal one at the age of 18, then a milder one at the age of 30. So it seems every 12 years as I’m 42 for a few more days. I hope I will be able to keep my diet at the age of 54 when the next one is due 🙂

        I already know the doctors’ repertoire and I’m getting slowly better without any anti-histamine that they would prescribe. My swollen head was quite spectacular, but this wasn’t anything very serious. I was worried until I could see the first signs of improvement. If i had had swollen throat/tongue or any difficulty breathing, I would have gone to the clinic without hesitation. As this is not the first allergy attack, I would recognize a serious one.

    • Kar July 10, 2021 / 4:42 pm

      I used to get those occasionally, never did find out what triggered it. Used to take atarex for it. Really helped with the swelling but knocked me out, strong antihistamine.

    • AJ July 10, 2021 / 6:40 pm

      Holy Moly Ems. After the last few weeks, it sounds like a week without some type of emergency would be boring. And you’d be thrilled about it.

      I’ve had allergic reactions before but nothing that spectacular. I’ll break out in hives if I drink wine or beer but the good news is I can have all the Jack Daniels I want. Glad that swelling and other symptoms went down rather quickly and you’re feeling better.

    • Georgiana July 10, 2021 / 7:39 pm

      I had 2 big allergy attack in my life each time after eating frozen fish sticks containing cod, the second one landed me in the hospital with my eyes so swollen I couldn’t see anything an oozing rash on my face and trouble breathing.

      The doctor said a third one could be worse so even though they couldn’t be sure if it was the cod or something else in the fish sticks, I don’t eat anything containing cod and never had another attack in 30 years.

  13. Dulcie July 10, 2021 / 4:27 pm

    Ems you do live a dramatic life these days!! I’ll bet you are looking forward to dull and boring. 😁

    • Emsthemonster July 10, 2021 / 4:43 pm

      Yes, indeed 🙂

      • Debg July 10, 2021 / 8:40 pm

        So sorry to hear about all this, Ems. Keep us posted as you recover–which I hope happens very quickly and completely.

        Sounds like you’ve got a birthday coming up too! When?

        • Emsthemonster July 11, 2021 / 8:39 am

          Thank you, there has been great improvement since yesterday, no more oedema, no new rashes, no high temperature, within a few days I will be as good as new.

          Birthday: 19 July

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