I’ve Been Thinking

I’ve been seeing a lot more of you since you’ve been doing your little “work” thing from home, and I have some thoughts. One, you should be taking longer naps. Much longer. And I think you’d be less stressed out if you sat in a cozy box instead of a desk. Just my two cents.

cat looks thoughtful
And how do you feel about chasing string? (Reddit)
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7 thoughts on “I’ve Been Thinking

  1. Dubravkamcvmd July 21, 2021 / 2:50 pm

    Iā€™d love to get advice from a cat. Really.

  2. Dana July 21, 2021 / 2:58 pm

    Kitty has the right idea. Iā€™d love a nap.

  3. AJ July 21, 2021 / 3:45 pm

    Such a pretty kitty to take advice from. I’ve been in nap mode most of the day. Allergies are still kicking my butt and I thought let’s take half a Claritin. Non-drowsey, hah! I’m just surprised I don’t have key indents on my forehead from faceplanting on my laptop. If and when I wake up from my nap(s), I’ll gladly play with string, less stressful than trying to work.

  4. allein šŸ¾ July 21, 2021 / 4:33 pm

    I’m all for more and longer naps…

  5. DEBG July 21, 2021 / 4:57 pm

    mmmmm napppppp

  6. Georgiana July 21, 2021 / 4:58 pm

    I’d love to take this beautiful kitty’s advice but I can’t nap anymore. Use to be I could take 2 hour naps in the afternoon but now I just can’t sleep during the day even if I go to bed late and I’m tiered.

  7. Alice Shortcake July 21, 2021 / 5:28 pm

    I think playing with string could be fatal in this heat…

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