Links: You Had One Job!

Tom befriends Jerry, pup maternity photos, fox moves in, and rabbit makes leaps before looking

And finally: Goodbye, Cruel World

When you’re garbage and you know it
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7 thoughts on “Links: You Had One Job!

  1. allein 🐾 September 16, 2021 / 8:27 am

    Cats a dogs mice living together! Mass hysteria cuteness!

  2. Georgiana September 16, 2021 / 8:40 am

    I love pacifist kitties, I had a cat once who would lie down calmly under a chair on the balcony to watch the birds eat from the feeder I hung there. But if he moved at all the birds would fly away and he always gave me a pained look like “why don’t they like me?”

    Well now we know where Grugu gets his good looks from.

    I think bunny watched too many Maru videos.

    • Debg September 16, 2021 / 9:19 am

      You are so right about the bunny. That’s some impressive high jumping!

      Have to save linkies for later. I cannot wait to see Grogu’s mama!

  3. AJ September 16, 2021 / 9:38 am

    I think bunny misjudged his landing spot, too funny. Once I was sitting on the bed along with my cat. He must have been really into whatever he was doing and not paying attention to me because when I moved my leg, he got startled and jumped backwards landing in the garbage can by the bed. Poor baby but I just had to laugh at his situation. Always wish I had gotten that on video.

    Foxy and friends are so amazing, yeah to the women giving them a safe place to grow up. And muttering very bad words about neighbor who didn’t like foxes so destroyed the den. $##%$$***! Fergie the sassy kitty has stolen my heart. So cool about the polite Japanese cat, it really sounds like he’s mimicking human speech.Cat and mouse are a real life Tom and Jerry cartoon.

  4. Dubravkamcvmd September 16, 2021 / 9:43 am

    I love the cat who made friends with the mouse. I admire the strength of character displayed by the woman who keeps herself from making the young foxes too comfortable around her. I don’t believe I could resist them.

  5. Luv Bunny September 16, 2021 / 12:37 pm

    Enjoyed the cat making friends with a leetle mousie. Hope it stays that way. The bun may have thought the trash can had a solid top, it could then leap onto the counter top. I can’t imagine destroying a foxes’s den. Kudos to the lady who, from a semi – distance, befriended them.

  6. Tara September 16, 2021 / 12:44 pm

    Oh I love Simon! What a sweetie. And can I just say, that looks like a very well fed mouse. Hmmm.

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