Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to another Caturday, citizens of Cutetropolis! It’s been a rough week for some of us, and our little community as always offers its support and comfort. Sometimes when it gets to be too much, you need to follow the example of Mrs.Β Hattie Perkins, courtesy of reader JEC, and just take a break from it all.

cat lies face down
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29 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Dulcie October 2, 2021 / 11:12 am

    Ha! Exactly Mrs Perkins!!
    That forehead fur makes me want to go and find something delectable with fudge and caramel.
    Yes, for breakfast people!! 😜😁

    • allein 🐾 October 2, 2021 / 11:14 am

      I just made hot cocoa.

      Had one from Starbucks last night with caramel drizzled on top. Yum!β˜•

    • Debg October 2, 2021 / 12:47 pm

      Ben & Jerry’s Karamel Sutra ice cream. Yes, I treated myself when I was grocery shopping.

      • Dulcie October 2, 2021 / 12:50 pm

        “Karamel Sutra”????? OMG. 🀯🀀

        • Debg October 2, 2021 / 12:52 pm

          Your reaction will be what the name implies. Totally not kidding here.

          • Dulcie October 2, 2021 / 5:02 pm

            Well. Not sure I needed to know that. But on the other hand, yes, I did need to know that. I have no resistance. I could be a Borg.

  2. allein 🐾 October 2, 2021 / 11:13 am

    Happy Caturday!

    Going to my parents’ for my birthday dinner tonight.

    Looks like Olive & Mabel have a new book coming out!

    • Debg October 2, 2021 / 12:48 pm

      Saw this yesterday and passed along to Mike. But your way is always faster, Allein. Love these girls so much.

      • allein 🐾 October 2, 2021 / 12:57 pm

        I don’t see that you can order it in the US yet, though. Not listed on B&N or Amazon.

        Haven’t read his first book yet but I can see it from where I’m sitting.

    • Murray C. October 4, 2021 / 5:28 pm

      Happy Birthday, Allein – a little late, yes – I’m just seeing Weekend Open Thread for the first time. I had a rather busy weekend – nothing fun, mind you, just laborious. I hope you got to enjoy your birthday thoroughly!

  3. AJ October 2, 2021 / 11:28 am

    Loafing at its finest and very appropriate for the past week. Her forehead reminds of the pumpkin spice latte I had with breakfast. Going to be a busy day. At the car show until 3 pm then have to get home and do the flight of the bumblebee to go see a comic, Gabriel Inglesias aka Fluffy at 8 pm. Tomorrow off to see 2 homes that we might buy plus the usual weekend errands. I’ll be glad to go back to work on Mon for a break.

    • Georgiana October 2, 2021 / 11:51 am

      I love Gabriel Inglesias!

    • Dulcie October 2, 2021 / 12:56 pm

      I forgot to mention AJ, that I enjoyed your car show clip from a few days ago!
      I have absolutely no knowledge of vehicles but have always loved car shows! This is an amazing field of interest.

  4. Georgiana October 2, 2021 / 11:50 am

    It’s been and up and down week here, on the positive side my mother in law was moved from the hospital to an establishment where they specialized in end of life care.
    It a new building, very modern and the staff there is wonderful, she’s in a private room and we can go visit her anytime of the day or night and as a bonus it’s totally free except for things like having a hairdresser come and cut her hair.

    On the not so positive side, there is already resentment between the siblings about who is not doing enough for their mother and my husband is stuck in the middle trying to make peace and I’m afraid it will get worse once she passes.

    Other than that it has been a quiet week here, it’s raining today and I’m doing laundry and thinking about maybe starting slowly to get some of the winter clothes out.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend and Duckie keeps getting better!!

    • Debg October 2, 2021 / 12:49 pm

      I’m so sorry about the sibling strife.

    • Dulcie October 2, 2021 / 5:26 pm

      Oh Georgiana that is so rough. Sibling strife can be such a wounding affair.
      It is so prevalent, and can pop up over the least expected thing sometimes, let alone end of life care for a parent. (Friends and I have often thought that the totally harmonized families are actually the dysfunctional ones!)

  5. Alice Shortcake October 2, 2021 / 12:09 pm

    I’ve just got back from my first theatre trip in almost two years! It was Matthew (all-male Swan Lake) Bourne’s ‘The Midnight Bell’, based on Patrick Hamilton’s novels about the seedy side of life in 1930s Soho. Excellent stuff with the added bonus of original hits of the day sung by artists such as the great Al Bowlly, one of my faves. I got a bit damp walking to the theatre and back in a downpour but it was worth it. Tomorrow, weather permitting, I’m hoping to paint the new back gate.

  6. Tara October 2, 2021 / 12:10 pm

    Oh boy, Mrs. Hattie Perkins has the right idea for sure! What a doozy of a week! In addition to thinking of my Cutetropolis peeps, (Duckie and DebG esp), it seems my friendship group is also going to a spate of illnesses. It could stop now and that would be just fine with me. Thinking of you both – sending lots of hugs.

    Envious you get to go see Fluffy, AJ! have a wonderful time for us all. πŸ™‚

    I’ve got part two of fish leather workshop this afternoon and then I get to run around the neighborhood delivering mail that all got dumped on my doorstep on Thursday and then maybe I’ll make pickles or something, or clean – that’s long overdue. It’s lovely weather for anything so that’s good.

    Happy belated Birthday Allein! Enjoy Birthday Dinner with family. πŸ₯°

    Hope everyone else is doing well!

      • Dulcie October 2, 2021 / 7:03 pm

        Have a lovely birthday dinner Allein! Hope you get all your favorites!

  7. Debg October 2, 2021 / 1:00 pm

    Mrs. Hattie has the right idea! And Mike chose the perfect photo for this week’s Caturday. Sometimes the best reaction to stress is sleeping through it.

    My profound thanks to everybody in our little community–your support has meant so much. Sending encouragement to everybody here who needs it. And rejoicing with everybody who’s enjoying life and celebrating something–it’s an excellent reminder that life goes on and the wheel keeps turning.

    Weird weekend here, as I plan my trip and try to adjust all my routines. No call to Dad on Sunday afternoon, but possibly extra calls from family as they make decisions for next week. I keep starting tasks and then forgetting what I’m doing. The cats know I’m upset and have been extra cuddly, thank goodness.

    • Dulcie October 2, 2021 / 5:12 pm

      Thank goodness for our fur babies. So good for our mental health.
      Take care DebG.

  8. N. Fritz October 2, 2021 / 1:55 pm

    I hear you, Ms. Hattie Perkins! I started a new job on September 6 and on September 20th the director asked me to be a form teacher for some 13-14 year olds who have a big chip on their shoulder. The day I took over the class, 19 of 26 got sent into quarantine and four of them actually have Covid. I am trying to keep my cool, but I am honestly in over my head!

    Hugs to all!

    • Georgiana October 2, 2021 / 2:54 pm

      Wow I don’t envied you, I don’t know if I could cope with one 13-14 year old with a big chip on it’s shoulder let alone a group of them πŸ™€

  9. Kar October 2, 2021 / 4:17 pm

    Sounds like we all need to collectively take a deep breath. Repeatedly.

    Sorry that we’re all going through so much. Dad is settling in at the memory care unit and Mom still has pneumonia but more oriented and aware of things.

    • Dulcie October 2, 2021 / 5:16 pm

      The circle of life has jagged sections. We struggle but somehow make it through.
      Things sound at least a bit more positive for your parents. πŸ™

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