Weekend Open Thread

Brr! It’s getting a bit chilly in Cutetropolis! Fortunately we have some nice warm laundry to curl up in, thanks to reader Muppet2171:

Here is Teller in his laundry basket (a decoy set up to keep him out of my actual laundry) staring at the electrical outlet. Because reasons. 

cat looks at power outlet
I’m attracted to symbols of power.

Fortunately, Teller gives us a good look at his adorable face:

Meanwhile, just took this pic and for some reason, it reminds me of what you get on school picture day…not sure why.

cat face
Such a handsome face!
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26 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ November 6, 2021 / 8:23 am

    Coming or going, Teller looks amazing. Love the idea of a decoy laundry basket, wish I had known about it sooner. Just need some type of decoy/diversion to stop kitties from “helping” make the bed.

    In Las Vegas this weekend for a huge car show. Drove up yesterday very very early in the morning, like left at 2 am. Hubby did the driving so I mostly slept. Vegas is how I remembered it, everything over the top. Highlight tonight is when all the Mustang clubs take over and cruise the Strip. I’m thinking there’ll be about 100 cars.

    Enjoy the fall weekend and don’t forget to fall back tonight.

    • Muppet2171 November 6, 2021 / 9:03 am

      Only time I’ve ever been to Vegas was on a layover when flying from Ohio to Florida. Yes…I know. That was a long day.

      Hope you have a great time! 😁

    • Dulcie November 6, 2021 / 12:35 pm

      Its a great place to take in car shows that’s for sure. Enthusiasts heaven.

  2. Georgiana November 6, 2021 / 9:54 am

    Wish my school photos turned out as good as Teller’s.

    Nothing much to report, the big event this week was buying a new microwave to replace the one that died last week. Nights are getting colder, temperature went bellow freezing this week.

    I hope you have a great time with the car show in Vegas AJ.

    I only been to Vegas once 40 years ago, we had 3 weeks vacation and drove from Québec with stops along the way to visit all the famous places. The car had mechanical problems right when we got to Vegas so we stayed for 3 days in a motel on Fremont Street while the car was being repaired. Back then Fremont Street was an actual street not like today. I won $450 playing slots machine just enough to pay for the car repairs LOL!

  3. Dubravkamcvmd November 6, 2021 / 10:56 am

    The markings on Teller’s face are amazing – makeup artists take note!

    • Dulcie November 6, 2021 / 12:36 pm

      Teller certainly is a handsome and beautiful kitty! 😸

  4. Tara November 6, 2021 / 11:01 am

    Good Morning everyone. Teller is just gorgeous, I love those dramatic whiskers. He is really handsome and so photogenic. Wish I was in the laundry basket as well, the heat did not kick on as it should have this morning, 60F in the house.

    Lots to do today: plant garlic, bring houseplants in, cleaning, work on building a murphy bed, laundry, and start making Christmas socks for my dad.

    Ive only been to Vegas a handful of times, but I love it. The people watching is the best. I don’t gamble so the people, the food, and the -55% humidity are what I enjoy most. Have fun AJ!

    Hope everyone else is doing well ❤️❤️❤️

  5. fkaWaldenPond November 6, 2021 / 11:16 am

    “I’m attracted to symbols of power.” ??!!! 😀 Have a good weekend all. 🙂

    • Dulcie November 6, 2021 / 2:44 pm

      Wow. OMG. I just got that. Finally hit me like a bolt of lightning ⚡ I’m shocked lol that it took me so long. Must be all the static from current events interfering with my clever-conduit. Or maybe I’m just too grounded these days to notice these brilliant flashes. Tx FKA! Hope you don’t charge me! ⚡😁

      • allein 🐾 November 6, 2021 / 5:04 pm


      • fkaWaldenPond November 6, 2021 / 8:52 pm

        Well done! 😀

  6. Jeannine Pope-Carter November 6, 2021 / 11:23 am

    Teller is just gorgeous! Seal point Siamese markings? Love the decoy basket idea, too. We are finally enjoying fall weather in the South, so time to get out to the outdoor markets and not suffer too much from the heat.

  7. allein 🐾 November 6, 2021 / 12:20 pm

    I gotta do laundry this weekend. I’ll report back if it attracts any cats. Other than that, not much going on.

    In the spirit of yesterday’s science post, I thought I’d bring something educational for Caturday. (Click the image if you need it bigger.)

    • Tara November 6, 2021 / 3:20 pm

      …but they are specifically tuned in to the crack of a tin can opening.

  8. Duckie 🐥 November 6, 2021 / 12:38 pm

    Hello, Teller. May I sit beside you and stroke your ego?
    Thank Heaven it’s the weekend. This week was crazy!
    People celebrated Diwali this week. The colours and demos were gorgeous, but I wish the firecrackers had not gone on all night.
    Visa bill from h—- paid off, finally. We emptied our treat jar and Christmas fund, and used some overtime pay, and got that wretched thing dealt with. New tires and a wheel alignment nearly did us in, but we decided that not having it hanging over our heads would be our gift to each other. Now, we just have a small levy to deal with.
    Hubby has been promised a week’s vacation this month, and we are going to use it to aggressively clean out stuff, and then we are going to discuss where we want to go from here.
    Foot VERY slowly improving, but drug regimen unchanged. Covid booster tomorrow, flu shot next week, and then I need to see my chiropractor, my optometrist and my dentist before the end of the year. Also, visit to cardiologist AND a CT scan of lungs before Christmas. It’s exhausting trying to keep healthy!
    Duckie doing fine, but I have noticed she is slowing down. More time dozing. Doesn’t want to come out of her cage as much. But she is also more responsive to me talking to her, and we’ve been having the most incredible conversations.
    The lady upstairs who bought Duckie for me says her sister just got some budgies, and now she and her sisters allow their birds FaceTime every few days. It gets VERY loud. The lady downstairs does the same. I can’t imagine how loud things would be if they both FaceTimed together, and it was warm enough to open windows!
    Another busy week coming up, but hopefully not as crazy.
    Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

    • allein 🐾 November 6, 2021 / 12:49 pm

      Glad your foot and your finances are doing a bit better.

      How old is Duckie?

      I am amused that so many people in your building have birdies. I don’t know anyone in real life who has a pet bird.

      My work does Diwali. Usually they put up lights around the breakrooms and they had a big sign up in the cafeteria. Normally they would also do some special Indian dishes in the cafeteria, but food service is still closed.

      • Duckie 🐥 November 6, 2021 / 3:31 pm

        Duckie is going on three years, as far as I know.

      • Dubravkamcvmd November 6, 2021 / 5:15 pm

        Good news about your foot and your finances!

    • Tara November 6, 2021 / 3:23 pm

      Happy to hear there is improvement Duckie! I’d love to hear/see budgies FaceTimeing each other. Hoping all your plans all go well. 🥰

    • Dulcie November 6, 2021 / 4:53 pm

      Duckie, glad to hear your foot is getting better even though it is s l o w l y. Have you been able to walk on it at all?
      Little Duckie is getting quieter? Is this normal for his age? I certainly don’t know much about bird health, but it seems that might be cause for concern?

      • Duckie 🐥 November 6, 2021 / 6:46 pm

        I’m able to walk on the foot, but given the fact that my knees and hips already hurt, the foot just adds to the limpage.
        Pet budgies generally live between five and ten years. But I don’t know how old she was before I got her, and I wasn’t able to care for her for several months after I got her. I know the lady who had her takes great care of her birds, but they were older, and both died last year. I’m not worried about Duckie’s health or longevity, just that she gets as spoiled as I can make her without harming her. She has a large, safe cage in a sheltered location, with daily freedom for exercise, the best food I can get her, the in-cage heater, plenty of things to destroy, vitamins and minerals, and whatever fresh fruits and veggies she will eat without trying to kill me. She is entertained and mentally stimulated, and has her favourite music and movies to watch and listen to. I even let her watch hockey, which I loathe, because she gets so excited when the announcer does. And I spend plenty of time with her, discussing everything under the sun.
        If her getting quieter is a sign that she will have a short life, it’s okay. She’s quite healthy, and has a good life here. She has loved, as much as a bird can, and she is loved and adored by all. She is the most entertaining being I’ve ever experienced.

        • Dubravkamcvmd November 6, 2021 / 7:34 pm

          It sounds like she has a truly wonderful life with you.

        • Dulcie November 6, 2021 / 7:52 pm

          Of course I never imagined that little Duckie would be experiencing anything but bird paradise with you Duckie! I always marveled (and envied!) your interactions with baby bird.
          It sounds like she may have reached middle age? I didn’t realize their lifespans were so short.
          Well I hope Duckie still has a lot of time ahead of her still! 💕

        • Luv Bunny November 7, 2021 / 5:04 am

          Duckie, seems as if you’re slowly making progress with your foot, hope it continues and your other health issues are easily treatable.
          If I were to have a second life, it should be as a budgie, in your house. I want to spoiled, like you describe Duckies life. Knowing my luck, I’d be the birdie that got eaten by a cat or another bird.

  9. allein 🐾 November 6, 2021 / 12:51 pm

    I am listening to the Planet Money podcast and have just learned that there is a pizza restaurant in Washington DC called We, The Pizza. 😄

    Gotta love a good punny business name. 🍕

  10. Alice Shortcake November 6, 2021 / 4:19 pm

    Not much to report from the Shortcakery save that last night I went to the local firework display held on a school playing field. Incidentally, I did a bit of research on the Gunpowder Plot and was surprised to discover that not only would the planned explosion have been big enough to kill King James and the entire ruling elite, the subsequent fires in a city made largely of timber-framed houses could also have killed hundreds of people. I live just a few streets away from Guy Fawkes’ school, St Peters (although it was housed in a different building in his day).

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