Weekend Open Thread

It’s another Caturday, and the chat thread is open for you to talk about whatever you want. We have limited seating at the moment, because Penny and Teller are taking turns hogging the chairs, says Muppet2171: “Teller wants to know when his turn for the sofa will be.”

cat on sofa while other cat looks up
Hey, I want to do some shedding, too!
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18 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

    • Dulcie November 20, 2021 / 9:45 am

      That is one smiley puppy. In his hooded garment. 😁

      • allein 🐾 November 20, 2021 / 10:53 am

        I luff heem.

        It looks like the thing with the “VOYAGER” tag is a harness…I would happily go on an adventure with him. I’ll wear my gray hoodie to match.

    • Debg November 20, 2021 / 3:21 pm

      He made me squee for 5 seconds. Such a cutiepie.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom November 20, 2021 / 6:17 pm

      Oy, such a punim!

      • Dubravkamcvmd November 20, 2021 / 6:48 pm


  1. Alice Shortcake November 20, 2021 / 9:30 am

    It’s been a terrifyingly expensive week at the Shortcakery thanks to the Rule of Three. In one week I had to deal with a broken wheelchair, a blocked drain, and a non-drying dryer. Just what I needed in the runup to Christmas!

    On a lighter note, I got rid of two decrepit armchairs and had to bring the “only gets used to pile stuff on” chair from my bedroom downstairs to replace one of them. I don’t know if anyone out there has ever tried to single-handedly wrestle a wing-back armchair down a steep 29 inch wide staircase, but at one point I ended up with my left foot wedged firmly underneath it whilst my dad shouted helpful hints from the living room. Only the fact that the movers had somehow managed to get the damn thing UPSTAIRS kept me going, and even then there were moments when I wondered if they had used elements of non -Euclidean geometry to do it. I finally succeeded without gouging the wallpaper or smashing the handrail, but next time I’ll leave it to the professionals…

    • Dulcie November 20, 2021 / 9:43 am

      Geometry can be annoyingly fluid sometimes.
      Besides saving the wallpaper and railing…you didn’t break a bone! Bonus! 😁

    • Debg November 20, 2021 / 3:23 pm

      Alice, I feel for you. Moving furniture up and down stairs is no fun. I once got stuck on the stairs with two students who were trying to get a sofabed upstairs. The silly thing started to OPEN while they were carrying it!

      So sorry about the broken things too.

  2. AJ November 20, 2021 / 9:51 am

    Penny and Teller are gorgeous as usual, remember to share children (or at least make an effort). Love the pictures you shared Allein and sounds like an eventful week at the Shortcakery. The image of you on the stairs and Dad “helping” from below gave me a chuckle. Reminds me of when we moved in here and the movers tried to bring in our fridge. I had tried to dissemble it as best as possible but with all the wires for the display panel, was almost impossible. The only door it could go through was the one from the garage via the laundry room. Guess its going to go out the same way when we move next month. Still no closing date yet but we’re just about there. Repairs have been made, house tented for termites and the bank has all the documents to finalize our loan. Trying not to be too impatient but I’m getting to the point that I just want this over with.

    • allein 🐾 November 20, 2021 / 11:01 am

      I’m a little jealous of your impending move. I have been somewhat-idly wondering if I could afford to do the same. If I sell my condo I won’t get much more than I paid for it (it’s part of a program with a limit on what you can sell for), but I do make more money now than I did when I bought it (I don’t think I would actually qualify for the program if I was buying now). Ideally I would find someplace quieter (please for the love of dog), with a dishwasher, and either a two-story townhouse or one story but with nothing above it. I was talking to a coworker on my way in to work the other day and found out she lives in one of the communities I looked at years ago; I sometimes regret not trying for that place (which had only one bedroom but it had a garage!)

      On the other hand…it’d be so much work and I don’t know if I have the mental bandwith to get my $#!? together to do it right now.

  3. Muppet2171 November 20, 2021 / 11:46 am

    There’s a law in the house (they (she?) wrote it) that only one of them can be next to mommy for pets at a time. Penny’s been known to get up next to me when I’m petting him. When he gets down, she’ll then she get down immediately instead of staying for pets. She can be a brat when she wants to be.

  4. Duckie 🐥 November 20, 2021 / 11:48 am

    It’s been one of those weeks, peeps, and I’m not talking about the weather. So glad it’s almost over.
    Hubby had the week off, and I assume he enjoyed it, because he did NOTHING! Oh, he took me to all the places I needed to go, but he accomplished none of the things he said he was going to do. And when I put the folding tables away today, he’s going to object. Loudly.
    My foot situation is still the same.
    Little Duckie has started something new. Her cage is open all afternoon, and she likes to sit on her bendy rope perches and snooze. But every now and then, she starts actively moving around, doing things like hanging upside down, or climbing, and then she’ll suddenly launch herself into the air and fly around hubby’s head! She doesn’t land, just flaps and then returns to the cage. Or she’ll jump onto the back of his chair and watch him. Without moving. Hubby is starting to feel a bit intimidated, but I applaud Duckie every time and tell her she’s a good girl. I told hubby it’s his fault, because he accuses the poor little innocent creature of things usually blamed on a dog. One of these days, she’ll poop on him, and I will lose it. Hysterically.
    Penny and Teller, you are, as always, gorgeous. But I don’t think you would fit into my household very well right now. However, Muppet, I will always envy you having them.
    Off to wreak havoc on society.
    Have a great weekend, everyone.

  5. allein 🐾 November 20, 2021 / 12:31 pm

    Puppaccino, anyone?

  6. SoccerSue November 20, 2021 / 2:24 pm

    I got my Moderna booster yesterday! Happy dance! And a lot fewer side effects than I had after shot #2 (just a sore arm, but only about half as bad, and a slight headache). But no fever, chills, etc, like I had with #2.

    Keep forgetting to tell you all- my friend and I had the opportunity to be extras in a music video which filmed in Seattle in August, and was released on Nov 11th. Long story, but I became friends with the singer (Sami Chohfi) after photographing his band in July, and he invited me to watch the filming of the video and be an extra. If you’d like to watch it, click the linkie below. (It’s a campy, humorous, zombie-themed video, and ***WARNING***- some parts are a bit graphic, in a fake-gore-y kinda way, as you can see from the thumbnail below. Let’s just say the special effects gal did a really good job, haha!)

    From 2:53 to 2:57 you can actually see me, from the back anyway. I’m the zombie fan on the right of the stage, wearing the hat with the bones around it (which belongs to the singer- he let me borrow it for that scene). My name is also in the credits. 🙂

    • allein 🐾 November 20, 2021 / 2:44 pm

      Guy’s not very observant, is he?

      I was looking at the website for the hospital where I got my shots and they have walk-in events for boosters. Apparently only Moderna, though. I got Pfizer, but I did read somewhere that it might be even better to get the other one as a booster, so I dunno. Might check after the weekend and see if they add any more dates (there are only three listed right now). They also don’t reflect the CDC’s decision to authorize for anyone over 18 yet.

  7. Georgiana November 20, 2021 / 4:08 pm

    This morning when I took my shower there wasn’t any hot water, at best and with only the hot water tap on I got lukewarm water. I went downstairs after to check and only the pilot light is working and it’s dripping. Since my insurance company doesn’t cover in case of water damages if hot water heater is more than 10 years old and mine is 9 years old it’s not worth it to have it repaired.

    OK so buy a new one, the problem the Gas Cie can’t come instal a new one until Monday 8am, so for the rest of the day, tomorrow and a good part of Monday it’s back to the good old days of heating water on the stove and mixing it with cold in the sink to wash the dishes and ourselves like grandma used to do.

    Well at least I only had one expensive disaster not like ALICE SHORTCAKE got to look on the bright side right?

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