Links: Home at Last

Lost dog rescued, cat finds a home, new guide dog pups, golden tamarins, and more.

And finally: Cat… or Snake?

What kind of snek is this
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7 thoughts on “Links: Home at Last

  1. allein 🐾 January 14, 2022 / 8:34 am

    Russ’s story made my office kinda dusty…can I borrow that roomba?

    Someone I used to work with is a puppy raiser for a guide dog group. (Her own pet Lab failed out of the program.)

  2. 6rabbits January 14, 2022 / 8:38 am

    Cats are truly flexibus!

  3. Georgiana January 14, 2022 / 8:52 am

    I don’t know why but the cat snake reminds me of this.

  4. debg January 14, 2022 / 9:17 am

    Unity’s puppies are the cutest little things!

    Catsnake is hilarious, but also way too skinny. Have to save the rest for later.

  5. Blue Footed Booby January 14, 2022 / 11:24 am

    That lab is fantastic.

    I remember some movie where a couple gets an irish setter, which promptly zooms off into the night, never to be seen again except as a russet blur in the background. Then they get a “yellow dog” with approximately this disposition.

    Anyway, labs are the best.

  6. AJ January 14, 2022 / 11:36 am

    So happy for Russ and his owner. Like Allein, it’s getting a little dusty in here plus the onion chopping ninjas paid me a visit. 16 pups??!! Holy mackerel, no wonder momma looks tired and befuzzeled in the pictures. But they’re absolutely adorable. Lily the kitty knew exactly who to choose to help her out. Even better, she’s living with a friend of her rescuer so he can watch her grow up. Lazy puppy cracked me up. Love the outline of puppers on the app, looked exactly like a dog so no question what was the obstruction. Cat snake proves the theory that all cats are liquid, maybe they are the Terminators? What better disguise for taking over the world.

    Saw an interesting dog mix on my walk this morning, she was a cross between a Great Dane and a Cane Corso. Silvery blue grey coloring with the the front end looking very much like the Dane but the build and back with a cropped tail looked more like the Corso. Didn’t get a chance to pet her since she was a little skittish/on the shy side but still a beautiful girl.

  7. Debg January 14, 2022 / 8:34 pm

    Welcome home, Russ. You’re safe now.

    Lily the kitten knew who would help her. Cats always know.

    Howling over the Roomba app’s mapping.

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