Weekend Open Thread

It’s another beautiful spring Caturday in Cutetropolis, and the chat room is open for business. If the mercury’s rising where you are, reader Georgiana Y. and Beans bring you this important health tip:

With the arrival of Spring temperatures are getting warmer and Beans would like to remind everyone of the importance of keeping yourself hydrated. She prefers going directly to the source of the refreshment aka the bathroom faucet.

Cat drinks from bathroom faucet
Sure, it may be undignified, but it’s also inconvenient.
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28 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ April 2, 2022 / 9:12 am

    May be undignified but still a cutie. Had lots of cats that preferred the faucet to a bowl, somehow it tasted “better”. Got them one of the water fountain bowls and everybody won. They had fresh water all the time and I didn’t have to listen to constantly running/dripping water.

    Looks like it rained overnight here, and it’s still cloudy and cool. Not much going on today, have to do a Goodwill donation drop off, then maybe plan the garden or go shopping. Later on have a car club meetup. Pool controls were updated and automated (along with a robotic vacuum that scoots along the bottom of the poo, so cool to watch), plus I control all functions with an app on my phone. Got to love technology. If I want to go in the hot tub after work, all I do is go on the app as I’m leaving work and switch on the heater. By the time I get home, it’s all ready for me. Then on Wed the chimney sweep comes to inspect and clean so I can use the fireplace. New house is slowly coming together. Happy weekend everyone!

    • Dubravkamcvmd April 2, 2022 / 11:23 am

      Pool, hot tub, fireplace – sounds lovely!

    • Debg April 2, 2022 / 1:51 pm

      Can I come to live with you? The house sounds fantastic.

        • 6rabbits April 2, 2022 / 4:01 pm

          The pool area is wonderful!

        • Dulcie April 2, 2022 / 6:25 pm

          It looks like a great property! The pool area is lovely.

        • SoccerSue April 3, 2022 / 2:02 pm

          Cutetropolis pool party at AJ’s! 😀

  2. Georgiana April 2, 2022 / 10:18 am

    Beans has always been fascinated with the bathroom faucet and would come around and watch when my husband brushed his teeth (she’s a daddy’s girl) but lately she started sitting on the counter and asking for the faucet to be turned on every time she wants a drink and of course we oblige, what can I say she has us well trained. By contrast my other cat Minnie likes her water in a bowl and will not come close to a running faucet.

    We finally have sunshine here today and the temperature is supposed to go up a little, my daffodils are peeking out and I saw a robin yesterday so things are looking up!

    • Dulcie April 2, 2022 / 12:55 pm

      Beans is awesome. 😸
      My parents’ cat loved toothbrushing time. Mainly because he’d get a little dab of mint on his lips. If there was any overnight guests (who of course would close the door) he would hear them brushing their teeth and would yowl and scratch at the door. 😁

  3. Tara April 2, 2022 / 11:02 am

    Good Morning!
    I’m in So Cal for a very quick visit to family 🥰. Taking my sister for a birthday pedicure today and I’m getting one too! Yippee!! It’s not quite flip-flop weather yet in the Philly area, but at least the tootsies will be primed and ready when it is.
    Then we will try to convince my nephew that he wants to go to the La Brea Tar Pits. He’s got his heart set on the beach. Not really beach weather here this weekend, but next weekend apparently… hoo boy. I hope we win, its one of my favorite museums of all time (since I was a kid – think I had 5th or 6th B-day there), and I’d really like to be there for my niece and nephew’s first visit.
    Hoping everyone else has wonderful spring/pre-spring plans for the weekend.
    PS: AJ, that remote controlled hot tub sounds so luxurious!

  4. Duckie 🐥 April 2, 2022 / 12:05 pm

    It’s the weekend!
    Beans, you are right about inconvenient tap water being so much better. And the longer you leave it running, the colder and fresher it gets, and inconvenient-er.
    Duckie has finally finished her moult for the season and is back to playing. She loves hanging upside down, and killing carrots, sometimes both at the same time.
    Yesterday, there was a huge upheaval at hubby’s now-old job. He had his exit interview, performed by the guy who has been causing all the problems. When he asked the inevitable question, hubby replied that he did not want to work anymore for a rude prick like him. The guy was taken aback, and tried to be casual when he said hubby was the third person to tell him that in an exit interview this week.
    When hubby returned after the interview to finish his work for the day, a female staff member approached him in tears and asked if it was true that he was leaving because X was a rude prick, and hubby said yes. She went into the administration office, screamed “I quit!” and she left the property. Apparently this has been happening all week, and now the mall has no support staff for this weekend, and all because of one guy.
    Hubby starts his new position at his previous job place on Tuesday, but hasn’t told anyone outside of admin yet. I’m having a fantastic time imagining the joy that will reign when he walks in first thing Tuesday morning and announces that he’s back, and as supervisor.
    Niece’s wedding has been postponed indefinitely due to a unfortunate and unexpected family health crisis. Not ours, but his.
    Peeps, I would like to ask an odd favour. I’m trying to remember the name of a movie I watched several years ago, and it was not new then. It was a natural disaster, end-of-the-world type movie, in which the earth (or the moon) had gone completely out of orbit for some dreadful reason and was doing long narrow loops instead of circles. Scientists were predicting gloom and doom, until one of them realized that a decimal was out of place in the terminating equation. Correcting the equation showed that the world was not ending.
    If anyone recognizes this rather poor description, could you please let me know?
    I’ve started taking royal jelly and propolis, and I’m noticing a slight increase in my energy levels. I’m also going on more walks.
    It’s not raining today, and hubby has a three day weekend, so I propose goofing off outside. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

    • Dulcie April 2, 2022 / 12:58 pm

      Wow!! As much drama there as at the Oscars!

    • AJ April 2, 2022 / 2:21 pm

      That is a lot of drama, wowzer. I wish, but probably won’t happen, is for upper management to realize that said idiot is the source of the personnel problems and he gets the boot. Yeah for all the other good news.

    • Birdlady26 April 2, 2022 / 8:08 pm

      Perhaps the movie you are thinking of is “The Day the Earth Caught Fire”.

  5. allein🐾 April 2, 2022 / 1:20 pm

    Here is some important information you might find useful.

    How to pick up a duck: 

    And also, from the comments:
    Please I’ve been holding a duck for 3 days now, do a tutorial on how to drop a duck

    -keep your arm in a 90° with your chest, with duck on your palm. Tell duck “It’s been a pleasure holding you but my people need me”. Kneel gently to not suprise the duck with sudden fall in altitude. Don’t move your arm until you are in a kneeling position. Slowly lower arm until ducks legs come in contact with ground. Congratulations. You have put a duck down.
    (all misspellings/typos in the original)

    • AJ April 2, 2022 / 2:13 pm


    • Duckie 🐥 April 2, 2022 / 3:45 pm

      Ummm….. Allein, I followed the instructions, but my feet are still firmly on the ground, and now people are looking at me funny…

      • allein🐾 April 2, 2022 / 4:20 pm

        It’s for picking up ducks, not Duckies.

        • Dulcie April 2, 2022 / 6:27 pm

          A follow up instruction would include how you get down off a duck…😜

          • allein🐾 April 2, 2022 / 7:02 pm

            You don’t – you get down off a goose.

            • Duckie 🐥 April 2, 2022 / 7:10 pm

              You can get down much easier off a duck. They’re closer to the ground than a goose.
              Yes, ducks have down.

            • 6rabbits April 2, 2022 / 11:56 pm


    • Dubravkamcvmd April 2, 2022 / 3:57 pm

      That’s hilarious

  6. Debg April 2, 2022 / 2:23 pm

    Happy Caturday, everybody! Georgiana, I suspect that adorable Beans, like my former beloved kitties who drank from the sink, really wants you to turn the water on and off for her. It’s not about the water. It’s about being in control. Of you. At least, that’s how it worked with my cat.

    I have made a terrible mistake today. Lots to do this weekend, and I woke up ready to dive in. Got started, got about halfway through major chores (cleaning my living room and warping my loom), and then I sat down. Yep, you read that correctly. I was stupid enough to sit down. And now I want to stay seated, or maybe eat some lunch and take a long nap, instead of getting on with these tasks.

    But if I leave them half-done, bad things will happen. Cats could mess with the warping I’ve done. Or dive into the boxes of fiber and yarn currently piled up in the kitchen, on their way to the basement. I’ve also boxed myself in–literally–with the fiber and yarn. It’s entirely possible that I’ll have to walk out the front door with my keys and through the back door to get down to the basement, until I clear out some of the yarn and fiber. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, please send help.

    Hugs to you all.

    • Dubravkamcvmd April 2, 2022 / 4:00 pm

      LOL I’m glad to have evidence to support my view that doing chores is a slippery slope.

    • AJ April 2, 2022 / 6:26 pm

      Your predicament reminds me of when my mom cleaned out the basement of her parent’s house after they both passed. It was so bad I think she literally tied one end of the rope around her and the other to the kitchen door so she’d find her way out. And I have boxed myself in on many occasions as well, usually solve the problem by going up and over instead of through.

  7. Alice Shortcake April 3, 2022 / 4:20 am

    Last week, misled by a few days of unseasonably warm weather, I put my winter clothes in storage. Since then we have been treated to snow, hail, and night temperatures so low I had to move the portable planters into the shed and cover the rest of the young plants with plastic bags. Now I’m preparing an expedition to the loft to retrieve a winter jacket and a couple of sweaters…

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