Would you like to understand what your four-legged friend is trying to tell you? Now you can, with Doggolingo, the language-learning system makes learning dog-speak as easy as scratching fleas! In just weeks, the revolutionary Doggolingo system will help you enjoy enriching conversations like this one:
Arf-arf rarfh yap grr yip-yarf, Murray C.
I always wonder when I meow to my cats what exactly I’m saying because sometimes they look at me like I said some very rude thing.
Apparently the human is a fascinating conversationalist who said some startling things.
I don’t care about the conversation, I just want to scoop up that puppy and run. Way too cute for its good.
omg the tail.
(I have no sound, so the conversation will have to wait. But the tail!!)
Why do I suspect that the whole conversation was basically:
Man: can we cuddle?
Pup: Oh for heavens sakes, cuddle me!