Links: Four to Adore

Capybara babies, re-homed rabbit, courageous kitten, and wombat goes wheeeee!

And finally: Wombat Whee-nsday!

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15 thoughts on “Links: Four to Adore

  1. Dubravkamcvmd June 1, 2022 / 8:44 am

    Kids got bored with the bunny? Hmmm, bunny’s lucky to get away from the brats.

    • Dulcie June 1, 2022 / 10:46 am

      Oh I SO agree. Breaks my heart to see animals used as temporary entertainment. 💔

    • debg June 1, 2022 / 6:07 pm

      Ninni landed on her feet with this mommy and siblings. What a glorious family. Also cute beyond words.

  2. 6rabbits June 1, 2022 / 8:49 am

    Okay, the *first* SQUEEE was for the simply adorable capybaras at the top. But then there was a louder SQUEEE when I scrolled down to see the cuddley bun video! And then a wombat to top it off!
    BEST DAY EVAR!!! 🥰 Thanks Mike!
    (Yes, I watched to toothy kitteh also!)

  3. Allein 🐾 June 1, 2022 / 9:00 am

    Tiny fangs and a milk beard…what could be cuter?

  4. tara June 1, 2022 / 9:10 am

    The grown up capybara at about 1:00 – bathing beauty – nearly made me snortlaf my coffee.

  5. debg June 1, 2022 / 9:40 am

    I’m head over heels for those baby capys! Love capys anyway, but when they’re miniature my brain goes splort.

    Butterball with his milk mustache–squeeeeeeee.

    Do we think the wombat meant to go down the slide?

    I look forward to meeting the bunny later.

    Thanks for these fabulous links, Mike. I’m still reeling from all the recent news, which seems to be getting steadily worse.

  6. Luv Bunny June 1, 2022 / 10:23 am

    I’m glad the bunny was adopted into a better, more loving home. I loved seeing the other buns and wished it was me snuggling them. The capys were also cute and the sliding wombat, looked like it had fun.

  7. AJ June 1, 2022 / 11:58 am

    Baby cappys are so cute and so tiny compared to the adults. Looks like kids are kids no matter the species, at about :30-:45 in who else noticed the one annoying mom by chewing on her ear while she was sleeping and she was trying to shake him off. Too funny!! Look like wombat was having fun on the slide. Milk mustache kitty stole my heart this morning. Love, love, looove spicy kittens.

  8. Duckie 🐥 June 1, 2022 / 12:22 pm

    In an effort to try and get back into things:
    Yesterday, I went to pay property taxes at city hall. I went in from the back, and I left through the front, because I wanted to go to the park next door to talk to the geese. When I went past the fountain, there was a mother duck and seven fuzzlings swimming in the fountain! The babies were so new that they were still wobbly when walking! Mama was so proud! I dropped a handful of oats (I carry a baggie of whole oats in my purse) on the ground, and mama came out and started eating them. The babies followed her, and she showed them how to eat the oats. They were making soft peeping noises.
    Yes, city hall, I broke the law on your property and fed the ducks! Bite me!
    Then I went to the park next door to see the geese. As I got closer to the place where they usually congregate, I heard short police siren bursts on our main road. I looked up to see all traffic stopped, both ways, and a police officer allowing four adult geese, two teens and five babies to cross six lanes of traffic! I called out “come on” to the geese and started tossing handfuls of oats on the grass. The eleven geese ran across the sidewalk and down the bank towards me. The police officer saw that I was feeding them, waved, and let the traffic go. He didn’t bother me about it.
    As the geese were eating and making rude noises, at least a dozen more adults saw them and came waddling over to get free food, too. I threw oats behind me for them, and in front of me for the babies, and the noise was insane.
    When I ran out of oats, I headed home. I passed two young men, and saw them stop, point at the geese, and reach into their backpacks. Expecting trouble, I stopped. The two took out bags of sliced bread and started throwing it at the geese, who were still excited over the oats. The geese ignored the men, but I heard chirring in the trees above me, and looked up. The branches were moving as dozens of squirrels started heading down for the bread. It was like the scene in Depp’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, where the squirrels take down Veruca Salt. I felt somewhat nervous, and moved to a safe distance, and the two men were surrounded by hungry squirrels, some of whom did not like the bread and were demanding something else. I’ve never felt threatened by squirrels before, but…
    I made it safely home, where my own personal tiny blue threat was happy to see me.

    • AJ June 1, 2022 / 12:33 pm

      Oh my, what excitement!!! I’m crying from laughing reading about your exploits. And yes squirrels can be very threatening. My niece found out the hard way when she started feeding them peanuts. Now, they pretty much come knock on her door and hange on the window screens if she doesn’t feed them at the usual time. I told her she needs to start weaning them off it before they get too wild.

    • Dubravkamcvmd June 1, 2022 / 1:22 pm

      What a wonderfully adventurous day!

    • Dulcie June 1, 2022 / 2:48 pm

      Yes what a wonderful story!! Made my day Duckie! Just after you remarked that you’d broken the law “so bite me” you said you’d heard sirens…I fully expected you to be arrested lol. 🤣🤣

    • 6rabbits June 1, 2022 / 4:04 pm

      What a great story! ☺️ That could be a children’s book!

    • debg June 1, 2022 / 6:02 pm

      Duckie, you re-entered society with a bang!

      Note to self: start carrying a bag of whole oats.

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