Links: Big Whoop

Rare whooping crane, not so extinct tortoise, Hawaii cat caregiver, when a dog loves a stuffy, and more.

And finally: I Love You, Mr. Stuffy!

Andrew Y. shares a touching moment with dog’s best friend.

A Golden Pupper Happy With Her New Toy!
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9 thoughts on “Links: Big Whoop

  1. Georgiana June 23, 2022 / 9:21 am

    The white spots on the “kitten” ears are a dead giveaway.

  2. Dubravkamcvmd June 23, 2022 / 9:25 am

    “Funny growling noises?” Giant paws and claws? I guess the rescuers were not familiar with actual kittens.

    Lovely man in Honolulu dedicated to taking care of street cats. The story of GG and the goats is like a novel.

  3. debg June 23, 2022 / 9:33 am

    Mr. Stuffy will be disemboweled right after the big hugs.

    Can’t actually see the story on the bobkitten, unfortunately–just a video about bobcats in general. Other linkies have to wait. I’m really looking forward to them all.

  4. debg June 23, 2022 / 11:40 am

    Love the whooping crane story! I hope the little one and its adoptive parents are very happy together.

    Fantastic giant tortoise would be a great band name.

  5. debg June 23, 2022 / 11:44 am

    GG and the goats–a novel indeed. Would be a fantastic movie or kids’ book!

  6. Kar June 23, 2022 / 7:33 pm

    Is someone playing “The Circle of Life?”

  7. Debg June 23, 2022 / 10:06 pm

    That man in Hawaii is my new hero. I love everything he does for those street cats.

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