56 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Dubravkamcvmd June 25, 2022 / 8:10 am

    Hard to see around or beyond the overturning of Roe.

    • Murray C. June 25, 2022 / 8:17 am


    • Georgiana June 25, 2022 / 8:41 am


    • Tara June 25, 2022 / 9:33 am

      big sad sigh

    • 6rabbits June 25, 2022 / 10:06 am


    • Dana June 25, 2022 / 10:41 am

      Exactly. 🤮🤬

    • Debg June 25, 2022 / 12:00 pm

      I’m right there with you.🤬

    • julie June 25, 2022 / 2:24 pm


    • Kar June 25, 2022 / 5:14 pm

      Keep reminding myself that we’ve dealt with worse and survived. Not naming names or events but remember that we’re resilient and that the pendulum can swing back.

      • Julie June 25, 2022 / 5:41 pm

        Agree. Roe v. Wade was in 1973. It was a really different time. Women didn’t have the right to have bank accounts until just a few years before then.

        Travel and communication today is completely different from pre-Roe. And abortion in pill form didn’t exist back then. I believe the ruling today does NOT impact abortion pills and they can be prescribed and fulfilled across state lines.

        I’m angry that a small number of people can take away a woman’s right to choose. But, there are still options and ultimately, hope that collective anger can turn into change.

        There is enough anger about gun control that Biden was able to pass the first bi-partisan gun control bill in decades. So, I have hope that things can change.

  2. allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 8:40 am

    Was off yesterday, to make up for working Sunday, after pushing it back twice because of too much audit stuff to do. Slept very late. Woke up to the news. Angry. Sad. Need to get off the computer for a while, I think.

    On vacation next week. Thought I might be getting an ear infection Wednesday night and Thursday, but since yesterday it seems to be getting better, so hopefully I don’t end up having to go to the doctor. Have an appointment for a haircut on Tuesday so now I’m debating how much to cut off. Wavering between just trimming it and chopping off several inches (it’s about halfway down my back right now).

    On a lighter note…

    • Debg June 25, 2022 / 12:15 pm

      Such a sweet face. I love the goofy dogs best. My next door neighbor has two, and I’m slowly getting to know them better (so they don’t bark at me every time I walk out of my house). They’re all great neighbors.

    • Dulcie June 25, 2022 / 1:33 pm

      I might have to abandon any and all news sources these days if I want to survive.
      Allein – go short – it is summatime!! ☀️☀️

      • allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 2:10 pm

        I’m thinking I might go shoulder-length.

        • Debg June 25, 2022 / 3:01 pm

          Shorter is even better. Though you have to get it cut more frequently. I love my super-short hair because it’s always cool and requires NO care.

          • allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 6:51 pm

            Yeah, I’m lucky if I get my hair cut 4 times a year. And with the recent state of the world…last time was July of last year, according to my calendar. I keep it such that it’s not weird when it grows out.

  3. Annette A Lusk June 25, 2022 / 9:17 am

    Cutetropolis, NTMTOM & so long ago, Cute Overload… (yes I’m a long time fan) this page is about the love of animals and the joy their antics bring. Period. Thank you Mike! =^..^=

    • Luv Bunny June 25, 2022 / 9:56 am

      I think I understand your thoughts. I enjoyed Cute Overload and now look forward to Mike’s daily witticism and the adorable animals. I read everyone’s comments but rarely comment on Saturday’s open thread. I know people’s political views are strongly felt, whatever they may be. But I come to this site, hoping to escape all the bombardment of the daily events.
      I know many feel closer to one another through sharing job info, health issues, family needs, pet health issues, loss of beloved pets, etc… I hope it stays this way, without politics interfering with our support for one another. I hope I’m not the only one who feels this way.

      • Dulcie June 25, 2022 / 1:47 pm

        Luv Bunny I totally understand your point of view on this. I have been around since Cute Overload days as well even though I lurked more than commented back then.
        And if someone said ABSOLUTELY NO POLITICS I could easily adhere to it. But I have to say that through some confusing, and sometimes scary times, it is a balm to hear about “real people” feelings on issues rather than politician and media views.
        Having said that…is this the place for it? I don’t know. But I do know that this is a very unique site we have and we’ve weathered a lot together! 💕

      • kermit June 25, 2022 / 2:59 pm

        To be fair, “open thread” to me means that it’s an all (decent) topics welcome thread, and that means you may not like what you find.

        While it’s fair to dislike politics talk in a climate where it seems like politics is injected into everything, the same could be said about airing personal/family setbacks, successes, etc. Many people may having worse problems and want that online reprieve of cuteness rather than read about proverbial “first world problems”

        My point is to simply live and let live. If it’s stressing you out, move on and then come back later. No harm done.

        • Maxlover June 25, 2022 / 4:29 pm

          Thank you, Kermit.

  4. allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 9:21 am

    This is a very pretty kitty and looks very plush.

  5. AJ June 25, 2022 / 9:53 am

    Adorable kitty, looks like a darker version of my Charlie cat. And what a sweet boi too with a derpy expression. Definitely need this page after yesterday, I think of this site and my fellow Cutropolitans as my corner of sanity and escape from anything else that might be going on.

    To cheer everyone up and remind us that (most times) the sun does shine after darkness, I had lots of good news this week. BIL that had been scammed out of a rental house finally found someone to rent to him and has moved into his own place. It did take hubby being first on the lease and paying the move-in fees but they’re settled now. Then found out our niece who’s hubby had the bad work accident (heavy fences fell on him and broke pelvis, ribs, etc) is pregnant with baby #4! And they just bought their own place. So happy for them. Her hubby’s rehab is going well too, looks like he’s on pace to start learning to walk again at the end of this month.

    Try and have a good weekend, peeps! Oh, almost forgot, we’re going to look at 2 pairs of bonded dogs today and might be bringing home some new babies. Fingers crossed our application is approved.

    • Dubravkamcvmd June 25, 2022 / 10:07 am

      Lots of good news!

    • 6rabbits June 25, 2022 / 10:08 am


    • Debg June 25, 2022 / 12:01 pm

      Your great news is very welcome.

    • Dulcie June 25, 2022 / 1:51 pm

      But BIL is not able to get the money back I suppose?? Too bad.
      Two pairs of bonded dogs? Awesome! Are you going to have to choose between the two pairs or are you taking all four? 😁

      • AJ June 25, 2022 / 9:51 pm

        I think the police are involved in the scamming case but highly doubt he’ll see any money back. The scammer when told that we knew he was scamming told my BIL if he wants his money refunded he had to pay a $150 fee for that!😱😲

        I was going to visit with both pairs and then decide on one. Four dogs is a little much. The decision was made for me as one pair was in foster plus the volunteer said one of those dogs could be a bit barky. The pair we met with was soooo sweet, they were all curled up in hubby’s lap within 5 minutes. I think we found our new fur babies. Now just need to pass the application process.

        • Dulcie June 25, 2022 / 9:57 pm

          Oh wow I envy your new fur babies. Love them to bits (as I know you will!!).

          Yeah you can get your money back for $150??? How do you not lose it with someone like that??? 🤯

        • allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 9:59 pm

          They picked you! Good luck with the application.

          I expect a future post featuring them…

        • 6rabbits June 26, 2022 / 7:39 am

          Good for you!🥰🐶

  6. Tara June 25, 2022 / 10:04 am

    Whelp – Cutetropolitans, I have yet another stray that needs help. He showed up Monday evening crying and when I went out he came running until he got close enough to see that I wasn’t what/who he wanted me be. He darted away. He’s been outside on my back porch crying so much, everyone in the neighborhood has taken interest. He is very scared, but people friendly, not fixed, and, it looks like, half of his tail has been cut off. I’m confused about all of it, but guess he was taken in by a college student (I live by two Universities with lots of students in the neighborhood). With the semester over, the student turned him loose, kitty was too friendly, and was caught by the wrong person. Poor little guy. I’ve been feeding him all week and yesterday brought him in. Though not happy about it, he let me give him a bath without a single scratch. It was sorely needed too! He was filthy! Burrs everywhere, fleas, and lots of dirt. There’s something in his ears too, he keeps shaking his head – no scratching though. I tried to clean them a bit and it might have helped. He is currently sequestered in the downstairs bath hiding behind the toilet as I sit on the floor keeping him company. I’m hoping to hear from two calls I placed yesterday to get him checked out, one to vet and the other to PAWS. But PAWS is still operating on contingency basis since the pandemic, and I would like to get him checked out soon to be sure he is healthy before letting him around my cats. If I don’t hear from them by mid-afternoon, I’ll take him over to one of the emergency clinics, at least to get tested. And then what? Shelters are over flowing, I already have three, and I can’t afford a fourth. Maybe someone at work will want him? Finger’s crossed. Anyway, all that is to say, this little guy and I could use some good vibes from the Cutetropolis community.

    I am sending lots of love to my fellow Cutetropolis folks who have been upset by all of the news this week. Such turbulent times we live in.

    Allein, enjoy your week off! And thanks for the Rubydooby-do pic. What a goofball.

    If anyone wants something wonderful and animal loving to watch, I’ve been binging Bondi Vet on YouTube all week. Lots of warm fuzzy feels for animals (even scaley ones) and not bad eye-candy either. 🥰

    • Dubravkamcvmd June 25, 2022 / 10:11 am

      Its so kind of you to take in that poor kitteh with your full house.

    • Debg June 25, 2022 / 12:03 pm

      Poor sweet baby. He chose the right house. Wish there were some way I could help.

      My teenage kitty visitor is still hanging around. Still no interest in letting me get too close.

    • belphebe June 25, 2022 / 12:21 pm

      Tara, I’m so happy that you are caring for that poor little stray. Sending lots of good vibes your way. Hope you can get him checked out soon and find a good place for him.

      I’ll have to look up Bondi Vet. I think I’ve watched it already, but perhaps not. I do like to watch The Incredible Dr Pol, which is on the National Geographic channel (I think). Since that’s part of Disney+, I can watch online.

    • Dulcie June 25, 2022 / 1:54 pm

      I hope the little one can find a furever home. Thanks to you kitty will have a chance at least. 💕

  7. Dana June 25, 2022 / 10:50 am

    I am going to the ballet this afternoon – ABT is at the Met Opera for their summer season, and they’re doing a new ballet this week, Of Love and Rage. (What irony in that title….)
    I hope to be swept up in the beauty of all the dancing and forget things for awhile. If not, there’s always wine. Kidding! Well, maybe not….lol

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

    • Alice Shortcake June 25, 2022 / 2:30 pm

      Oh, I do envy you – my theatre-going is limited to local matinées because I can no longer leave my dad alone in the house for more than a couple of hours during the day. I would have loved to see Birmingham Royal Ballet’s ‘Coppelia’ again but sadly it won’t be possible. On the credit side there have been some excellent ballet livestreams recently – last night I watched Australian Ballet’s ‘Harlequinade’, a shared production with ABT.

      • Dana June 25, 2022 / 4:50 pm

        I saw Harlequinade a few years ago when ABT did it here, and loved it. I did think some of the childrens sections went on too long, but otherwise it was fabulous. Also, same choreographer, Ratmansky, as today’s L&W.

  8. Debg June 25, 2022 / 12:12 pm

    I always appreciate a good ginger. And by definition, all gingers are good.

    All the political news this week has me reeling–that’s all I’m going to say about politics.

    Things have also been very busy at work: there’s a big weaving conference in mid-July, and my company will have a booth there. That meant getting at least 5 looms warped and ready to go for shipping. “Ready to go” means enough fabric woven to look great in photos and to encourage passersby to weave. People can actually sit down and weave in the booth. So I got to warp and weave for work this past week! I actually drove down for an additional day to help out.

    As usual, my weekend is filled with more textile projects. And as usual, there won’t be enough time for everything! Really looking forward to the extra day off next weekend.

    Hugs to you all.

  9. Duckie 🐥 June 25, 2022 / 12:43 pm

    Sweet gingey kitty, I do not wish to look back on this week. Just glad it’s over. Will not comment on politics as it will cause strife.
    Hubby’s dad is willing to look at retirement homes. HUGE relief.
    Went to states yesterday for first time in three years. I was so nervous about getting back into Canada without being “randomly selected” for testing. Nerves weren’t helped by the fact that the border guard looking after our line had sent five of the six people ahead of us for vehicle searches. But we breezed through without a hitch. Can’t wait until restrictions are lifted.
    Found out that the lady downstairs will be going for knee replacement surgery next month, so the lady upstairs will be bird sitting for two weeks. Honey, the lady upstairs will be away for three days during that time, so I will be looking after all four birds for a few days. Looking forward to it.
    Canada Day parade this coming Friday, with nephews in the fire engine. Whole family will be coming out to see them.
    Duckie has been increasing her skills aggressively. On Thursday, she stood on her tiptoes for the first time, then learned she could climb a rope vertically, and launched herself for a victory whirl around the room. On Friday, hubby startled her by waving his hand without permission, so she flew around the room and smacked him with her wing!
    Deb, I’m tempted to run down to your place and help out with those looms.
    Haircut today. Hot weather this weekend. Starting writing projects next week.
    Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

    • Dulcie June 25, 2022 / 1:56 pm

      So stressful crossing the border!
      Hope your babysitting 4 birds works out!

    • 6rabbits June 25, 2022 / 2:50 pm

      I am now recovering from second knee surgery and send best wishes to your neighbor!
      Will the 4 birds have to get along or will they stay in cages? Your Duckie always sounds quite the character!

      • Duckie 🐥 June 25, 2022 / 9:12 pm

        Two cages for them. Duckie stays separate, but my neighbours’ birds come in pairs.

  10. Debg June 25, 2022 / 12:51 pm

    A little more good news: that insurance for windshield repair has really paid off! Got a crack on my drive down to work on Tuesday. Filed a claim yesterday, thinking the insurance would pay for crack repair. Instead, the tech who came out today just replaced the whole windshield–the crack was already too big to fix, and on the driver’s side. No deductible + minimal cost added to my monthly bill. The service came out to my house and fixed everything in my driveway. Well worth it!

    • Dubravkamcvmd June 25, 2022 / 1:43 pm

      Wow! That’s the most amazing insurance story I’ve ever heard. What is the name of the insurance company? Seriously.

      • Debg June 25, 2022 / 3:00 pm

        State Farm, which offers this extra windshield coverage. I had it added the last time I renewed my annual policy. So very glad I did this. The last time I had a crack, on a previous car, I never got it fixed and risked getting a ticket.

        This doesn’t mean my policy won’t go up. Oh, wait, that already happened. But I appreciate this service nonetheless.

    • allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 2:15 pm

      Nice! My insurance doesn’t cover windshields (or at least it didn’t when I needed it). I got hit by a rock kicked up by a truck on my way to work one morning, and by the time I left that night was a six-inch crack. By the next day it had extended to about 18 inches, from near the top, and curving around at the bottom and starting its way across. When I called the insurance company to find out if it was covered they said no, but they did recommend a windshield replacement company, and even dialed and transferred my call right to them. I had them come out to work a few days later; they showed up right before I was going to lunch, I ran out and unlocked the car for them, went back inside, and they were done by the time I finished eating.

      About six months later it happened again, but luckily that just left a little round spot which didn’t get any bigger, and since it wasn’t in my way I just left it alone.

  11. Duckie 🐥 June 25, 2022 / 2:19 pm

    Peeps, it is freaking LOUD here! All five budgies are singing at the tops of their tiny feathered lungs, and the wild birds are getting in on it.

    • Debg June 25, 2022 / 3:04 pm

      Get a recording! That sounds fabulous.

      GREAT news about your FIL. I understand his urge to resist, but most of us reach a point where it’s just not feasible to live on our own anymore. And congrats on safely crossing the border. You can come down and warp with me anytime.

    • Dulcie June 25, 2022 / 3:08 pm


    • Dubravkamcvmd June 26, 2022 / 7:13 am

      I envy you! Bird song!

  12. allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 2:21 pm

    My friend texted me earlier to say she was nearby and going to the bookstore so she figured she’d see if I was around to meet up with her. I hopped in the shower real quick and then went over there. Afterwards I went to Starbucks to get a drink and then went to the park. I took a little walk around, and passed the statue of General Von Steuben (Battle of Monmouth). Someone stuck a little pride flag in his hand (well, just below it, in the space between his hand and where the walking stick he’s holding is connected to his leg). 🙂 🏳‍🌈

    Stayed to read for a bit but it was pretty hot so I didn’t last long. Came home, took another cool shower, and finished the bowl of raspberries I was eating before I left.

    • Debg June 25, 2022 / 3:06 pm

      MMmmmmm raspberries. And good on the flagger! One of this weekend’s projects includes a runner in rainbow colors for the eldest child of my half-brother, as a (late but surprise) PRIDE gift.

      • allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 3:29 pm

        Can’t help but wonder if it was a park worker or just a visitor (didn’t notice anything else Pride-related around). There was also apparently a reenactment event going on earlier and there was a Redcoat still there by the park building (which has a little museum in it, but it’s usually closed when I’ve been there).

    • allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 3:41 pm

      Interesting…I selected a smiley emoji and a rainbow flag emoji (which came up when I searched for rainbow, but not flag or pride), which posted as a white flag and a rainbow.

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