Weekend Open Thread

Let’s welcome a new kitten to the open thread, and reader Squidmuffin tells us that she’s a super cutie!

I’ve taken in a foster kitten for a couple weeks, and we have all fallen in love with her, especially Bertie. Her “official” name is Val, but I call her Princess Peanut. She has freckles and cow spots with tabby stripes in them. She also falls asleep, purring madly, on my chest at night. Magical!

Older cat licks kitten
Cat and kitten look out of window
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25 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Georgiana July 23, 2022 / 8:40 am

    What a cute little girl and I love the name Princess Peanut!

    We are meeting friends for diner tonight at a fine restaurant in the Old Port but if it wasn’t for the fact that it has been planned for months I would bow out and stay home because it’s so hot and humid today I know I’ll be drenched in sweat but the time I get there and I’ll be uncomfortable the whole time.

    I know I’m not the only one suffering from the heat and that it’s been hot everywhere this week in Canada, the U.S. and Europe, even the U.K.!

    Try to stay cool, be careful and have a good weekend peeps.

  2. Dana July 23, 2022 / 9:03 am

    Princess Peanut IS a super cutie! Thank you for sharing her.

    Hope everyone has been staying relatively cool. Weather forecast says by Tuesday the heat wave will subside and we’ll have a high of 85. Never thought I’d look forward to 85 degree weather. I might need a sweater!

  3. 6rabbits July 23, 2022 / 9:07 am

    A cute Sweet kitty! Glad she has Bertie to look up to! (BTW, that is a very interesting couch?)
    It is hot here but has been massively raining, thundering and lightening since about 1 AM. It’s 9 now. I’m expecting to see river craft soon! 🚣🏽‍♂️🛶⛵️?

    • Squiddy July 23, 2022 / 12:04 pm

      It’s a blanket over the actual couch to both make it cozier for the cats and to attempt to limit the cat fur everywhere. 😀

      • 6rabbits July 23, 2022 / 12:48 pm


  4. AJ July 23, 2022 / 9:27 am

    Such a darling lil morsel!! Bertie is a cutie pie too. Is there a foster fail in your future. I know I wouldn’t be able to give her back.

    Off to the park today to give Thor and Valkyrie an adventure today. Wish us luck as they’ve been reacting to other dogs while out walking before. I’m going to try peanut butter on a spoon to see if distraction will help. Plus it might be difficult to bark with a mouth full of peanut butter, lol. Not much else going on besides trying to stay cool. I feel so bad for everyone who’s been affected by the heat. We were in the 90sF/30sC at the beginning of the week but it looks like we’ll be in the 80sF/mid 20sC this weekend. Still in a drought and haven’t seen rain in so long, I almost forget what it’s like. I’ll gladly take anyone’s extra! Stay cool, stay hydrated, and stay safe.

  5. Tara July 23, 2022 / 9:51 am

    Good Morning! Oh, Val you are a beautiful little creamsicle, yes you are!

    I’ve got to leave soon to get the car washed. It’s been ages and I’m taking it to the mechanic on Monday. It’s messy/dirty/filthy enough as to be embarrassing. This is kind of like cleaning up for the cleaning lady (as my mother always did). Since it’s a good excuse, I’m taking it. I also need to run errands and pick up provisions. Yesterday I grabbed a bag of what I thought was cat food at Trader Joe’s. Shoved it and other items into my back pack for the ride home – very top heavy which I don’t like. Only to discover I had grabbed a bag of kitty litter, that I don’t need. Also didn’t discover this until I’d opened the darn bag and now I can’t return it. Ah well – it’s not like it won’t come in useful.

    I also have four bunches of celery left over from the farm share I host – that I’ve got to do something about. I found a celery soup recipe that sounds healthy and yummy. I might make a double batch with vegetarian stock so I can can it and it will keep for a while. There’s only so many ants on a log one can eat!

    I hope everyone is managing to stay cool! ❄️❄️❄️

    • Birdlady26 July 24, 2022 / 1:01 pm

      Braised celery. That’s what I would do with extra bunches of celery. Freezes ok too.

  6. Dubravkamcvmd July 23, 2022 / 9:51 am

    The picture of Princess Peanut and Bertie screams foster fail!

  7. allein🐾 July 23, 2022 / 10:11 am

    OMG she’s adorable!!!

    Someone suggested sprinkling unsweetened cocoa powder on vanilla ice cream so I just tried it (because 10 in the morning is the perfect time for ice cream) and it was yummy.

    It’s 85° here in Jersey. I have stuff to do but not outside.

  8. Dulcie July 23, 2022 / 10:39 am

    Princess Peanut BUTTER SWIRL!! 💕😁😸

  9. Squiddy July 23, 2022 / 12:01 pm

    So, update on our regal Peanut. She wheedled her way not only into the hearts of this household, but the neighborhood as well. So much so that my neighbor wants to adopt her.

    Her new name is still in flux, but might turn into Ginger Snap. (She has a spicy personality— full of jumps and sprints and playful biting.)

    • fkawaldenPond July 23, 2022 / 12:18 pm

      I thought for sure you were going to keep her! 😀

      • Debg July 23, 2022 / 4:12 pm

        I did too. At least you’ll be able to visit!

    • Kar July 23, 2022 / 11:37 pm

      I don’t blame your neighbors. She’s delightful. I could never foster, they’d take one look at me and read the ‘foster fail/potential hoarder’ on my forehead.

      Those pic’s with Bertie though, those are over the top cute.

  10. Duckie 🐥 July 23, 2022 / 12:20 pm

    Good morning all. It’s cloudy here, but I don’t expect that to last.
    Having difficulties with meds making me sick, but stopping them is kinda terminal, so…
    Duckie’s tail feathers have grown in, and now her tail is longer than she is. Found out that she has Aussie budgie genes in her, as opposed to British budgie, which explains her being smaller than my neighbours’ birds, and also explains her love of music. She’s been working on a new trick on hubby: she waits till he goes into the bathroom, then flies to the end of the hall outside the bathroom door. She lands on whatever is there, waits till he opens the door, and then flies back to her cage. He’s afraid to come out of the bathroom in case he steps on her, so he’s “trapped” until she flaps her wings and scares him. I tell him to leave the bathroom light on until he finds her, but he says he can’t see her against the carpet. I’ve had to go and rescue him several times.
    Weight loss back on track, due to nausea, but I’m making the most of it.
    Squiddy, I agree with everyone else. You have a pending foster fail.
    Have a great weekend, everyone, and stay cool.

  11. allein🐾 July 23, 2022 / 1:29 pm

    It’s 93 degrees outside and Santa Claus just came through my complex on a fire truck. He’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt, but still.

    (Apparently it’s part of a Christmas in July food drive.)

    • Duckie 🐥 July 23, 2022 / 2:08 pm

      Was he wearing a red, faux fur trimmed speedo? I’d donate a lot of food to see that…

      • allein🐾 July 23, 2022 / 2:13 pm

        All I could see was the Hawaiian shirt, which was blue (there was another guy on the back with him, and another smaller truck was in front of it and I could see the driver and another guy in there; looked like they were all wearing the same shirt), and the red hat and beard.

      • AJ July 23, 2022 / 2:29 pm

        🤣😂😱 Some things can’t be unseen but that would be uh “interesting” to see depending on Santa’s physique. San Diego is hosting the ComicCon show this weekend, it’s all comics, scifi, etc shows and books and doodads. Lot’s of people get dressed up as their favorite character, and the end results are all over the spectrum. Some look like real get ups from the movies, and others are more home done throw whatever I have that’s similar on and add a $5 prop from last Halloween. Makes for quite a spectacle, some think the show outside is better than the actual convention plus you can people watch for free!

  12. AJ July 23, 2022 / 2:31 pm

    Back from the park and the dogs did ok, some barking/lunging but found I could distract with peanut butter. Baby steps! Then had a bath once we get back home, and now they’re down for the count.

  13. Debg July 23, 2022 / 4:19 pm

    Princess Peanut is BEAUTIFUL! I too was hoping for a foster fail, but it sounds like Miss Ginger Snap has done quite well for herself.

    I’ve been packing all day. It’s 2 pm here and I can’t do any more. Plus I’m almost out of boxes. A dear friend came over to help, bless her. She went through the one bookshelf of fiction I have left (after I switched to e-books) and that probably saved me a lot of time and pauses for nostalgia. I’m past the halfway mark, which is good because I’ve only got tomorrow and one more weekend before the big move!

    The upstairs cats hid while my friend was here. Now they’re creeping around checking everything out. Poor babies. Our nap together, starting in a few minutes, might help us all.

    Hugs to you all. Happy Caturday.

    • Kar July 23, 2022 / 11:38 pm

      Group naps are wonderful. Glad that you’re making progress in packing!

  14. Kar July 23, 2022 / 11:40 pm

    Did I miss the update on Teller?

    Hope that everything went ok with the sweet boy.

    • Debg July 24, 2022 / 12:11 pm

      I think the surgery happens Monday.

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