Springy Sunflowers

It’s summertime, and the sunflowers are in full sproing. Seriously, what better way to enjoy the day than with the baby goats of Sunflower Farms in matching sunflower jammies?

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7 thoughts on “Springy Sunflowers

  1. Allein 🐾 August 2, 2022 / 5:06 pm

    I saw a sunflower on my way to work this morning. It was much taller but not nearly as cute as this.

  2. Georgiana August 2, 2022 / 5:44 pm

    You can never get too much of baby goats in sunflower pyjama.

  3. 6rabbits August 2, 2022 / 6:37 pm

    Baby goats are all about “if it’s there I shall jump (on) it”. They need to provide more obstacles for their antics!

    • 6rabbits August 2, 2022 / 6:45 pm

      And just who makes heckin’ cute goat pajamas? When did this become thing?

  4. Elizabeth August 2, 2022 / 6:39 pm

    Question: How long do you think it took the goat keeper to put those jammies on the kids?

    • 6rabbits August 2, 2022 / 6:47 pm

      Longer than I’d want to spend, I’d imagine!😂

  5. AJ August 2, 2022 / 9:36 pm

    Squeeeeee! Thunk and ded. I adore baby goats in pjs!

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