12 thoughts on “Like My New Mittens?

  1. Duckie 🐥 August 16, 2022 / 6:14 pm

    Little kitty, please bring those adorable mittens over here. I’ve got some living scratching posts that desperately need your attention.

  2. Kar August 16, 2022 / 6:16 pm

    Most amazing thing about this photo is the vaccum tracks on the cat tree. Talk about maid service….

  3. Georgiana August 16, 2022 / 6:22 pm

    As of now my 2 new cats have not tried to use their claws on anything other than the scratching post and the scratching carpet altho the one year old does dig in the couch but she doesn’t use her claws.

  4. Dana August 16, 2022 / 6:22 pm

    Wow, what big feets you have?!

  5. 6rabbits August 16, 2022 / 6:32 pm

    Anybody else worried about these “thumbed” cats becoming ambidextrous? Hmmmm? And taking over the world?😵‍💫

    • Dana August 16, 2022 / 7:26 pm

      Hey, they just might improve things…..

      • 6rabbits August 16, 2022 / 8:32 pm

        Unless they decide to get rid of US!

    • Georgiana August 16, 2022 / 8:07 pm

      I for one would welcome our new overlords.

      • Kar August 17, 2022 / 6:54 pm

        I”m not exactly sure that they’re our NEW overlords. Pretty sure that I’ve had the same overlords in my house with/without extra digits.

  6. allein🐾 August 16, 2022 / 6:33 pm

    Two thumbs up!

  7. Debg August 16, 2022 / 10:39 pm

    I can see the marmitude from here! What a cutie!

  8. AJ August 16, 2022 / 10:39 pm

    Massive murder mitts! But I’d still let this cutie in my house.

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