Links: A Hair-Raising Tale

Cat has the frizzies, tortoise on the run, three little kittens, and a spinning dog.

And finally: Sit and Spin

Tara O. shares this enthusiastic student.
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9 thoughts on “Links: A Hair-Raising Tale

  1. Georgiana August 18, 2022 / 8:21 am

    Well the doggy did what he was supposed to do, he ran to his human and sat he just added a little flourish to the action. I hope he got a passing grade 😂🤣😂🤣

  2. Allein 🐾 August 18, 2022 / 8:40 am

    Love the little belly-scritch path markings…

    • debg August 18, 2022 / 9:43 am

      Kitten tummies always turn my brain to absolute mush. These three, and Lacey curled up with Romeo, have destroyed my work day. I’m okay with that.

  3. debg August 18, 2022 / 9:48 am

    Dogs are always so happy to see their people. This one’s enthusiasm is adorable.

    Love the tortoise story. I had no idea tortoises were nomads.

    Loved the kittens and anticipating the hairy cat video later.

  4. diane in los angeles August 18, 2022 / 11:51 am

    Happy spinning pup is a STAR!

    • Dulcie August 18, 2022 / 1:52 pm

      Just love the spinning pup!! Real improv star potential. 😁
      Permanent toque hair cat is adorable!

  5. AJ August 18, 2022 / 3:18 pm

    Calzy and his ear tufts! Spinning dog cracked me up, he had the right idea but just needed to jazz it up a little. Amazes me how far tortoises can get when they go for walkies. You’d think they’d be found within a mile of home. Squeee!!! Those three kittens are beyond adorbs.

  6. Debg August 18, 2022 / 10:06 pm

    Calzy’s adorable tufties FTW. What an amazing kitty, and an amazing family.

  7. Kar August 19, 2022 / 6:43 pm

    That cat has hair an anime character would envy.

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