Time for a photo from reader Duckie, featuring her bird Duckie “having a pre-bedtime nap,” which is a really good idea. You always want to be rested before doing something strenuous like sleeping.

Time for a photo from reader Duckie, featuring her bird Duckie “having a pre-bedtime nap,” which is a really good idea. You always want to be rested before doing something strenuous like sleeping.
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That’s me! Pre-bedtime nap!😂
Wow! It took me a long time to decode what I was looking at. She smooshes her head into her body so far when she’s sleeping! I had to compare and contrast with what she looked like in the You might also like…that’s just ducky, Duckie. And many of us add some heft around the middle as we age…
Ha! I really had to look too! Smol bol is right! And cute bol too!
She’s not hefty around the middle! She just a little pudgy budgie who’s sometimes grudgy and judgy.
Actually, she’s fully floofed up, eyes closed and one foot pulled into her feathers. You can see how her mutton chops are flared.
LOL Fully floofed up, you say! I’ll have to remember that description when I’m pondering the state of my midriff.
Little Duckie looks like me around 2-3:00 in the afternoon. After being well rested, Little Duckie can wait until her hoomins go to bed and then keep them awake by singing the songs of her people.
Such a cutie. And so smart!
Awwww, what a cutie birb.
That was me the whole Labor Day weekend. Only not as cute.
That’s a cutie birdie indeedee.
Awww, cutie, poofie, smol bol❤️