Be Yourself, Maru

Maru has tried many things in his life. He’s made pizza, kneaded tons of noodle dough, and his ambition to squeeze into the smallest space possible is the stuff of legend. But some days a cat just wants to be a cat. A different cat. Made of cardboard.

Maru Shares Because He Cares

Maru doesn’t need to squeeze inside every box he sees. Sometimes he lets Kitten Miri have a turn.

The maple leaves are on the ground, which gives Maru a treat to feel the crunch beneath his feet.

via Andrew Y.

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5 thoughts on “Be Yourself, Maru

  1. Andrew November 12, 2022 / 1:43 pm

    So nice of Maru to let Miri have a turn >:3
    Leaves look so pretty! And Maru’s leaf hat hehehe

  2. Dana November 12, 2022 / 2:16 pm

    Maru’s winter coat looks extra flufftacular this year.
    The backyard scenes are my favorite – they looked like they all enjoyed their walk in the leaves. 🍁

  3. Dulcie November 12, 2022 / 7:17 pm

    I will never stop being amazed at Maru. Never ever failing to stick his face into whatever box-like entity! 😸

    • Dana November 12, 2022 / 7:42 pm

      Maru must have been a turtle in a past life. Or an armadillo.

  4. allein🐾 November 12, 2022 / 9:29 pm

    Love all the bright red leaves…

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