Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the open thread! Our visitor today is a fluffy foster kitten from reader Squiddy, who writes:

Wanted to share a pic of my new foster kitten, Donatello. Got him at 6 weeks and only 15 ounces. Now he is 10 weeks and a fluffy, chunky 2 pounds. He is quite the instagram model.

PS: I call him Nubbins because of his stubby legs and tail.

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20 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. 6rabbits November 12, 2022 / 8:14 am

    I love that second picture! It’s like “you want…what?” Will he keep that eye color, cause it’s amazing!

  2. Ricky & Bibi's Mom November 12, 2022 / 8:21 am

    Donatello is stunning! Thanks for sharing him, Squiddy!

  3. Georgiana November 12, 2022 / 9:07 am

    I love Donatello’s Blue Steel look, better than Zoolander himself.

    • Debg November 12, 2022 / 11:40 am


  4. allein🐾 November 12, 2022 / 9:10 am

    Who does his makeup because his eyeliner is fantastic!

    I’m sipping some hot cocoa and checking my Caturday internets and then I have to get ready to go to the dentist. 😁 I will be near the B&N I used to work at, which is moving to another space in the same shopping center. The new store opens in a couple weeks so I don’t know what’s left in the old store, but I want to stop over there and see. Then maybe Kohls and possibly Target. Then later I have to put the salad ingredients in my fridge together and make some blueberry sauce to mix into a tub of yogurt.

    The Bed Bath & Beyond near me is closing ☹ and everything is 40-70% off so I stopped after work the other day to see if I could spend the $15.09 gift card I had in my wallet (there are a couple other stores I know of that aren’t closing but I don’t get over that way very often). Got some face wash I was looking for at Target recently that they didn’t have, a bubbly blue water glass for my desk at work, and a fabric bin for my closet, and then I tossed in a pack of Swedish dish cloths that were near the register just to make sure it would use up my card (because when I did the math I came up slightly short and I wasn’t sure if the tax would get me there). Been seeing the dish cloths on the interwebs recently so I figured for five bucks I’d see if they live up to the hype.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Be chill like a capybara.

    • DEBG November 12, 2022 / 4:13 pm

      Yes. Oh yes. How I wish it were so.

    • allein🐾 November 13, 2022 / 12:50 am

      So I went to my appointment and then B&N…most of the kids’ books and toys and the display tables on the main floor are cleared out, and all but one of the magazine fixtures are empty but the bookcases are still full. Most stuff is 40% off which isn’t much of an incentive to shop since my employee discount is the same, but I got a hot chocolate and wandered a bit, then wandered down to the other end of the shopping center and saw where the new store is (but the windows are covered with big “coming soon” signs so you can’t see what it looks like inside). There are several empty stores in there since the last time I was over there. Got some aromatherapy body washes and refills for my car vent clip thingy from Bath & Body Works. Then I went to Kohls to see if I could use my 20% coupon but found nothing there. Then I stopped at my parents’ house, not intending to stay super long, but my mom said she was thinking of making meatloaf for dinner so I agreed to stay. That was a little after 3, I think. My dad was watching football and she went for a walk and I fell asleep on the couch and then it was 6:00 and dinner was ready. Then I got sucked into watching some holiday cake competition on the Food Network and ended up leaving after the second episode ended at 9. When I left the mama cat who has been visiting their backyard with her kittens was on the front walkway, and the babies were in the driveway. She didn’t move when the porch light came on but they all scattered when I opened the door. One went under my car but thankfully ran back toward the house when I opened the car door. After I got in the car I could see little white feet in the bush next to the garage. Wish I could catch them all and take them home (don’t know if she’s young by mama looked pretty small herself).

  5. Dubravkamcvmd November 12, 2022 / 9:46 am

    Nubbins is GORGEOUS.

  6. AJ November 12, 2022 / 9:55 am

    Squeee!!! Grabby hands, want this kitty. So gorgeous. Is there a foster fail in the future Squiddy? If he was my foster, I’d be very tempted to make him a permanent resident.

    Thank goodness for this site and the Caturday post otherwise I wouldn’t know what day it is. I’m on day 3 of my 4 day mini-vaca. Thought all day yesterday was Saturday, so confused. Having breakfast today with friends, some errands plus work on a home project then car club meeting tonight. Might take the 4 legged beasties to a park today, definitely they’ll go tomorrow. More errands and finish home project tomorrow. Love the cartoon Allein, always wondered what cappys were doing under the water, lol. Happy weekend all!

    • Squiddy November 12, 2022 / 12:07 pm

      I didn’t keep him. I am, however, 100% confident that he was adopted the same day that I returned him. He is a little fluff morsel. He’s going to make someone else very happy indeed.

      I actually foster failed on the kitten right before him — a sweet, gentle, loving little orange tabby that has a borderline obsession with Bertie. I sent in photos of my three cats snuggling together, which, when posted, should make it clear why he weaseled his way into our hearts.

  7. Duckie 🐥 November 12, 2022 / 11:56 am

    This week is FINALLY over.
    Started new job. Managed two hours before the boss called my husband to take me home. Thank goodness it’s only two days a week, until end of December.
    Fighting the common freaking cold. Covid test negative, and no achy pains, so it’s not the stupid flu. Just a stupid cold.
    Washer died on Thursday. Had to pull all the wet clothes out, rinse them in the bath tub, wring them out by hand, and then allow for longer dryer time. Hubby ordered a new washer, but it won’t be here until December 13.
    Duckie has started to bite. I blame hubby, because he was teasing her this week, but I’m the one who has to teach her not to. And birds are not easy to unteach.
    AJ, I always avoid temptation by deciding to immediately give in. If this little morsel were under my care, he’d be there for good.
    Gorgeous weather outside.
    Major chores finally caught up, so I can relax.
    I WILL have a good weekend, and I hope everyone else will, too.

  8. Dana November 12, 2022 / 12:10 pm

    Nubbins is so freakin’ cute!!! 😻

  9. Dulcie November 12, 2022 / 12:19 pm

    Nubbins! 💕 Lethal cute level! 💕

    Chillin’ capybaras. 😁

    In my neck of the woods the non-covid flu slash cold is running rampant. Knocked out half the school kids and many work places. Some friends have had it for two weeks or more. And if you can believe all the rapid tests they have been taking it is not Covid.

  10. waterdragon687 November 12, 2022 / 2:49 pm

    I know it’s a little early for Giving Tuesday, but World Wildlife Federation (rated 84% by Charity Navigator, which is at least decent if not the very best out there) sent me a paper catalog recently and they have REALLY expanded their line of “symbolic adoption” plush animals, which you can get by donating $60 or $100 per animal on their website. I wanted to mention it here because there are MANY perennial favorites of the Cutetropolis community among the available species now, including (in no particular order): hippos, baby elephants (they have an adult version too), red pandas, river and sea otters, two different types of sloths, flying foxes, capybaras, meerkats, pangolins, quokkas, and (yes) WOMBATS.

    You can see the full list of plushes they offer by going here: https://gifts.worldwildlife.org/gift-center/gifts/Species-Adoptions.aspx?sort=2

    • allein 🐾 November 12, 2022 / 3:25 pm

      My aunt sent my mom a wolf one year. Stars was very suspicious of it.

    • DEBG November 12, 2022 / 3:30 pm

      It’s never too early for Giving Tuesday–my fave holiday ever. Symbolic adoptions are wonderful, especially for kids. Thanks so much for sharing!

      PS on International Sloth Day, I “adopted” a youngster named Mango. His photo and papers arrived early this week! So worth it.

  11. DEBG November 12, 2022 / 3:37 pm

    Nubbins must have found a home immediately. What a gorgeous boy! Squiddy, I can’t wait to see your new baby.

    My day has not gone as planned, though it hasn’t been bad. We had appointments lined up at the vaccination clinic for all 4 boys, since our fosters are due on Nov. 21. I did not plan things well and ended up trying to herd cats. It didn’t work. We missed all the appointments and 3 of the boys have not yet forgiven me. I’ll try the visit-your-home vet next and I’ll plan better for the next time.

    Since we couldn’t go for shots, I spent the morning rearranging stuff so I can finally use it. Our nighttime temps have been in the teens (Fahrenheit) and I despise scraping off the windshield. It’s a very tight squeeze and I will never be able to make a quick getaway. 😃 But I’ll keep practicing, and when my new car comes in, in a few weeks, I should at least feel confident. (Depth perception is not my friend. The washer/dryer I’m trying to sell and the recumbent bike I just bought are not helping at all.)

    Hugs to you all. Commiserations on difficult situations and congratulations on happy ones.

  12. Alice Shortcake November 12, 2022 / 6:48 pm

    Nubbins is FABULOUS. If only I could get my eyeliner to look like that!

    Friends, have you ever woken up after a night full of bizarre dreams and wondered what the heck you ate yesterday? This was the situation in which I found myself this morning. Last night my subconscious entertained me with the following scenarios:

    1) I was horrified to discover that my face was elongating and that feathers were breaking through my skin. Naturally my first reaction was to turn to the internet, specifically the BBC website, where I learned that everyone in the world was turning into an emu…but because all humans were affected there was “no cause for alarm”.

    2) I was on a bus tour of a mountainous region in the USA. One of my fellow travellers, an affable old codger with a white beard, turned out to be Ted ‘Unabomber’ Kaczsynski, released from jail after 25 years for being a model prisoner (no-one on the bus found this in the least bit strange). Ted seemed nice enough at first but his constant admonitions about the evils of social media (“Don’t even think about using Tiktok!”) began to grate after a while.

    3) A new law was passed making everyone who left school at 16 complete a further two years of education at their old schools and with the same classmates. This was the stuff of nightmares for me as I’d rather consort with the Unabomber, who at least could help me with maths.

    I very rarely remember my dreams in much detail so that may have represented a year’s supply in one night!

    • Dulcie November 12, 2022 / 7:23 pm

      You’re going to need a whole team of specialists to untangle that mess of dreams Alice!

    • Dubravkamcvmd November 13, 2022 / 8:52 am

      I think you should take up screenwriting!

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