Backyard Bunnies

We’re heading out to the backyard this Bunday to watch a pair of rabbits play in the wide open spaces.

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7 thoughts on “Backyard Bunnies

  1. allein 🐾 November 13, 2022 / 8:47 am

    Aww. Love the birdie soundtrack 🙂

    • Dubravkamcvmd November 13, 2022 / 8:56 am

      It’s perfect.

  2. Dubravkamcvmd November 13, 2022 / 8:55 am

    The early leap into the air is such a great expression of joy at the freedom to race around and play

    • Dulcie November 13, 2022 / 9:29 am

      I felt that too when I saw the leap! Yippee!

  3. 6rabbits November 13, 2022 / 10:45 am

    Actually I do believe the black/white bun has another intent towards brown bun. How high the tail is signifies mating interest, thus the aggressive chasing. The brown bun is NOT interested. Maybe they are not normally together, or black/white bun is not neutered. He does calm down a bit after brown bun snaps at him. What do you think Luv Bunny?

  4. Luv Bunny November 13, 2022 / 6:40 pm

    Sorry, responding late due to getting back from being out of town. My guess is the black/white bun could be interested but probably neutered (let’s hope). I think if it wasn’t it would be more aggressive. When my fixed, male and female bun buns would play chase, sometimes one of them would get a little more rougher in play and I’d intervene by distracting one of them. Perhaps it could be a dominance issue.

  5. DEBG November 13, 2022 / 8:35 pm

    Beautiful buns!

    When I walk near the reservoirs, I usually get to see bunnies. This afternoon, just around sundown, I only saw 2. One was racing across some open territory, though, and the other was *right* next to me.

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