Deer Friends

This next story has a happy ending, but first a note of caution: It’s a bit ‘arrowing. Here’s reader SoccerSue with the photo and story:

These two siblings have an interesting backstory. Six years ago their mama was running around our area with a broken arrow stuck in her shoulder. One of my neighbors coordinated with a wildlife rehabber and the Dept of Fish and Wildlife, and they got her tranquilized and removed the arrow. She was only given a 50/50 chance of survival since they weren’t able to remove all of the arrowhead. They put a yellow tag in her ear to monitor her (and let hunters know that she was off limits), and my neighbor named her Lil’ Kim (because she has bling, haha!). Kim has since had at least four sets of fawns, and has likely already outlived the average lifespan of a deer by several years.

Two deer against a snowy backdrop
If you’re gonna shoot stuff, use a camera!
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8 thoughts on “Deer Friends

  1. 6rabbits December 26, 2022 / 2:55 pm

    Yes, the only shooting should be done with a camera! I’m glad the hurt deer has done so well💙

    • allein🐾 December 26, 2022 / 3:26 pm


  2. Emsthemonster December 26, 2022 / 4:02 pm

    Beautiful deer! I’m glad Lil’ Kim survived.

  3. allein🐾 December 26, 2022 / 5:32 pm

    I just reread the post and caught the “a bit ‘arrowing” joke. Heehee. 🤭

  4. AJ December 26, 2022 / 5:56 pm

    Love stories with happy endings. Unless you’re hunting as the sole source of your protein, camera shooting should be the only shooting allowed.

  5. Kar December 26, 2022 / 8:12 pm

    I wonder if their noses are really soft like velvet.

    • SoccerSue December 26, 2022 / 11:46 pm

      More like a dog’s nose, actually. When they have velvet on their antlers, though, that’s just as soft as it looks. One of the bucks let me touch them once when I distracted him with an apple slice.

  6. DEBG December 26, 2022 / 8:59 pm

    Such beauties!

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