Weekend Open Thread

Happy Caturday! Today’s open thread gives reader DebG a chance to set the record straight about her family:

People may doubt that my cats are all getting along now, given Scorpius’s tempestuous history. But they are! And now I need a second window shelf! From left to right, Albus Severus; Scorpius Malfoy; George Weasleycat; Fred Weasleycat.

Four cats in a bedroom, two sitting on a window shelf, the others on the bed
But even now, the Weasleycats plot to claim the shelf…
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37 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Muppet2171 January 21, 2023 / 8:18 am

    Wanted to pop in and say thank you to everyone who contributed to my friend George’s dog Lovey’s needed spinal surgery. We raised $2000 out of $5500 yesterday!

    I went to see her yesterday afternoon. She’s still in good spirits even though she can’t move her back half at all. Hoping we can reach our goal soon. https://gofund.me/482525f5

    You guys are awesome! Thank you all again for the donations and good vibes you’re sending!! ❤❤❤

    • AJ January 21, 2023 / 9:57 am

      Thanks for the update. Is there any chance the vet will reduce the cost or let her do a payment plan for the reminder? Hugs being sent to everyone.

      • Muppet2171 January 21, 2023 / 11:40 am

        She’s borrowing from her (probably) future son-in-law and is also gonna send a request to We Rate Dogs’ charity for the rest. And she’s also looking into other local options.

        This morning, she was no better and, when the vet called to check up on her, he told her to take Lovey to the Veterinary ER. Hope things work out. 🥺🤞🙏

        • DEBG January 21, 2023 / 12:03 pm

          We’re sending healing purrs. Hope Lovey is back on her feet soon.

    • 6rabbits January 21, 2023 / 10:05 am

      Yay! Give hugs and kisses to cute pup.💙 Is there a time issue, like surgery must be done in a couple of weeks?

      • Muppet2171 January 21, 2023 / 11:42 am

        Just asap to get her back on her feet again.

    • Julie January 21, 2023 / 12:27 pm

      Muppet – did you see my comment with a link to Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund? They are somewhat local to you.

      Also, look into breed rescues for help. Rescues usually get discounted rates with vets.

  2. Dubravkamcvmd January 21, 2023 / 8:45 am

    George and Fred definitely look like they’re plotting.

  3. AJ January 21, 2023 / 9:52 am

    Love this! Great picture, even greater names. And of course the twin gingers are up to no good. Are they laying on a copy of the Marauder’s Map? And as a bonus, we get a glimpse of the new condo, very nice. cool planters on the window too. Happy weekend everyone!

    • 6rabbits January 21, 2023 / 10:07 am

      Ack! So busy looking at cats didn’t realize those were planters! Awesome!
      Deb, where did you get them?

      • DEBG January 21, 2023 / 11:04 am

        I collected them at the floral section of the grocery store and the garden section at Lowes. Now most of them hang on these cool suspended shelves, as the suction cups aren’t reliable.

        My bedroom is decorated with all the animals I’d like to have in my zoo.

  4. 6rabbits January 21, 2023 / 10:04 am

    You need one of those shelves you put on your window ledge with brackets underneath. Obvy deeper than what there is normally. Should be relatively easy to install.
    Also LOVE the Harry Potter names👍🏼😁 The black cat being a Malfoy is perfect! And George and Fred really do look like twins!

  5. Georgiana January 21, 2023 / 10:34 am

    Oh yes I think the Weasleycats are definitely planing some mischief.

  6. DEBG January 21, 2023 / 11:08 am

    Huzzah! My boys finally made it! They love all the attention they get here on Cutetropolis!

    Within days after that photo was taken, I installed a second kitty shelf. There’s also a major garden in the window: I’ve got hanging shelves to hold even more pots. No more animal planters, yet. All the plants love their southern exposure.

    Now that Lavender has joined the household, the boys have grown even closer. I’m pretty sure they talk about her behind her back. Fred and George share notes on how much she scares them (she’s half their size).

    Hope everybody is well on this Caturday! Muppet, please keep us posted about Lovey.

    • Kar January 22, 2023 / 5:29 am

      Nice looking clowder there. Very cuddly.

  7. TinaM January 21, 2023 / 11:13 am

    DebG – I just saw Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway this past Sunday. Oh my gosh it was soooo good! They do such an awesome job with all the special effects. I’ve been dying to see it for years.

    • DEBG January 21, 2023 / 11:59 am

      Good for you! I’ve read the published script but haven’t been able to see it onstage.

  8. allein🐾 January 21, 2023 / 11:24 am

    Good morning… (checks time…ok, yes, it’s still morning…)

    Not much going on, as usual. Determined to get some stuff done around the house, as usual, never mind that I never manage to do it.

    Was supposed to start jury duty yesterday; I was not in the range of juror numbers told to check for an invitation to the zoom orientation for yesterday, so I worked from home. Last night it updated and gave a bigger range of numbers, which I do fall into, saying to check email for notice to report in person on Monday. (So that’s 1000 numbers who didn’t get orientation but might have to go, anyway?) But no email, so far. I would think they would send them on Friday…hopefully I don’t get one over the weekend because frankly Monday is not the best day for me to be out of work. A little annoyed because I wanted to make a doctor’s appointment but I don’t know if I can actually do it next week because of this so I didn’t. Then the following week is closing at work so I can’t really take time off then, either. It’s really annoying that they expect people to basically put their life on hold just in case.

    Olive & Mabel went to the mountains…

    • Dubravkamcvmd January 21, 2023 / 11:55 am

      That was a little nervous-making. He has a lot of faith in the dog’s ability to gauge a safe path on a snow-covered mountain.

      • allein🐾 January 21, 2023 / 12:03 pm

        Just found this one in the related vids…young Mabel’s first snow!

        • Dubravkamcvmd January 21, 2023 / 2:43 pm

          Mabel as a puppy! She had star quslity!

    • DEBG January 21, 2023 / 12:01 pm

      Wow! Is Mabel wearing the camera?

      Unbelievable scenery. I would never have the nerve to do this, so I’m glad Andrew recorded it for us!

      • allein🐾 January 21, 2023 / 12:09 pm

        She must be. I’m guessing it’s attached to some sort of harness on her back.

      • allein🐾 January 21, 2023 / 4:19 pm

        I just did a little google and GoPro makes a camera mount harness for dogs…called the GoPro Fetch 🙂

        Pretty sure he’s used it in other videos, too.

  9. Duckie 🐥 January 21, 2023 / 12:26 pm

    Good morning, all.
    Deb, your furry overlords are all so beautiful. How do you get things done? I’d be cuddling with them all day if they were here.
    It’s been a frustrating week involving my FIL and the lawyer dealing with our POA. But things seem to be working out, and the cost won’t be as high as we expected. Hubby and I will be doing our wills once our tax refund comes back.
    Also mortgage renewal (terrifying rates!) and condo insurance. My head is reeling.
    I’ve been a little forceful on myself in getting back to my writing, and it looks like it’s done some good. I actually found myself doing research on a made up topic and composing an outline for an essay. It felt good. I didn’t realize I missed writing that much.
    I’m also making a list of craft projects I’d like to do this year. I’m trying to keep busy.
    Little Duckie has discovered a new joy. Her favourite vitamin block is berry flavoured, and rather red. She likes to work at it for a bit, until her “lip” area is red, and then come out of her cage and LOOK at me. It’s a bit intimidating to have her leer at me with a red grin on her beak.
    Muppet, I hope your friend’s Lovey pulls through.
    Off to do small chores, and then WRITE. Have a great day, everyone.

  10. Muppet2171 January 21, 2023 / 12:45 pm

    Emergency vet says no hope. Lovey’s getting one last weekend of being completely spoiled and then Monday, they will end her suffering. The money raised will go towards treatment up to this point and the final visit. 😪😪😪

    • DEBG January 21, 2023 / 12:56 pm

      I’m so sorry. It’s devastating to say goodbye to our babies. Lovey has had an amazing life, filled with love.

    • allein🐾 January 21, 2023 / 1:19 pm

      😢 Poor baby. So sorry for your friends.

    • Duckie 🐥 January 21, 2023 / 1:55 pm

      My heart is breaking with sympathy. Feathered hugs going out at top speed.

    • Georgiana January 21, 2023 / 2:14 pm

      That is very sad news, my heart goes out to you and your friend.

    • Dubravkamcvmd January 21, 2023 / 2:47 pm

      I’m so sorry. Heartbreaking.

    • 6rabbits January 21, 2023 / 3:19 pm

      I am so sorry, that sucks!🥺 Praying for your friend and Lovey.

    • AJ January 21, 2023 / 7:34 pm

      I’m so sorry to read this. I had seen the earlier email update and was hopeful Lovey was on the road to recovery. Give her lots of love and hugs from her supporters, and please tell your friend to be kind to herself. She gave Lovey an amazing life, and did everything possible to get her better.

    • Kar January 21, 2023 / 8:59 pm

      So sorry to hear this. I’m glad that Lovey will be surrounded by love.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 21, 2023 / 9:13 pm

      I am so very sorry to hear this. I’m glad she’ll get a last hurrah.

  11. Alice Shortcake January 21, 2023 / 3:52 pm

    So sorry to hear the bad news about Lovey. I don’t think I could cope with the death of another pet, which is one of the reasons I’m attracted to fostering rather than ownership.

    This afternoon I finished painting and putting up wallpaper borders in the dining room and kitchen, which is practically all I can do until the new flooring is fitted…on 2nd March. Until then I’ll be surrounded by stacks of cardboard boxes full of clothes, books, CDs and DVDs. The downstairs area looks HUGE without the old oversized furniture but will no doubt shrink dramatically when the new stuff arrives!

    It’s strange how unreliable memory can be. I have no recollection of sticking on the previous wallpaper borders with Industrial Strength NanoBond Superglue, but such was the incredible struggle I had to scrape it off the walls it must have happened…

  12. Emsthemonster January 21, 2023 / 4:07 pm

    Nice to see Debg’s beautiful kitties!

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