Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the weekend, Cutetropolitans! Today our old friends Penny and Teller pay a visit, as sender-inner Muppet2171 shares their mutual enjoyment of the laundry basket:

“Cat v. Laundry Bag. I think it’s a tie.”

Cat lies on laundry bag
I’m on top, that means I’m winning!

“The decoy laundry basket is no longer working. Caught him on my regular laundry bag.”

Different cat sits on same laundry bag.
Nice try, mom.

Bonus Penny! “She is actually looking at the camera! A truly rare event.”

Cat looks into camera
You have been blessed.
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12 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Birdlady26 February 18, 2023 / 8:13 am

    Teller needs to fold the laundry for you after it’s clean and dry. Important life skill for all cats.

  2. 6rabbits February 18, 2023 / 8:38 am

    You have such beautiful cats, Muppet2171! I love their blue eyes☺️ Teller is Siamese, but what floofiness is Penny?
    Actually was cold the last 2 days, around 23, and we had a smattering of snow. However it is supposed to be in the high 30s today and high 40s low 50s next week. My flowers have already tried to grow and the animals are confused. This is the weirdest winter in my life, I think.
    Mike, how are your cat and bunny doing?

    • allein🐾 February 18, 2023 / 8:52 am

      Thursday was around 60…right now it’s 28. High is supposed to be 43, and in the 50s the next week, until Saturday when it says 32…

      Yesterday was rainy; now it’s sunny.

    • Muppet2171 February 18, 2023 / 9:02 am

      Penny (aka Miss Fluff-Butt) is a Birman.

  3. Georgiana February 18, 2023 / 8:45 am

    Penny and Teller are gorgeous!

    Last Thursday we went for coffee as usual at my sister-in-law like we do every week and she told us that she decided on the spur of the moment to accompany her son and his family on vacation for 1 week to the Dominican Republic.

    I’m so glad she decided to go it will do her good to have a change of scenery, she hasn’t gone anywhere since her husband died last year. So from next Thursday we’re on cat feeding and litter cleaning duty!

    Other than that it same old same old here, I live a very boring life LOL!

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  4. AJ February 18, 2023 / 10:06 am

    Gorgeous eyes on Penny. Teller is as handsome as ever. Weird weather here too. About a week, week and half ago we were in the upper 70s, very warm. Now the last few days were in the 60s plus overnights down to the 30s! I even had frost on my back deck. Very unusual. Not much going on here, just doing some errands and cleaning the house. Happy weekend all!

  5. Duckie 🐥 February 18, 2023 / 11:14 am

    It’s a rainy weekend in Duckieville. I would love some exotic floof to cuddle with.
    Duckie’s moult is almost done. New feathers are growing in, and she looks miserably prickly and disorganized, but things will settle soon.
    Did taxes this week, so that’s out of the way.
    Apparently the lower mainland in BC is hosting a norovirus for the next month or two, and it is going through the elderly population at a horrid rate. No deaths have been reported, but FIL has it and is in isolation at his seniors’ hospital, along with about sixty percent of the residents.
    I’m having my immediate family over tomorrow for discussion of things. Dad’s health will be at the top of the list. Still waiting to hear more from doctors. Much cleaning today.
    Ash Wednesday next week. Based on the extended forecast, it’s going to be a soggy cold Lent.
    Off to release the Quacken, and then tidy up.
    Have a great weekend, everyone, and stay warm and dry.

    • allein🐾 February 18, 2023 / 11:39 am

      Poor birb, but I love the description: “she looks miserably prickly and disorganized”

  6. DEBG February 18, 2023 / 12:39 pm

    Penny and Teller get more beautiful every time I see them!

    I agree with everyone else about the weird weather. We were up in the 50s last weekend, then Wed there was a big snowstorm, and now we’re back to the 50s. But the trend toward more daylight hours continues–I enjoy seeing more light when I leave for work and return home. Colorado also desperately needs the moisture. Maybe by next weekend, the mud will dry up and I can get back to long walks around the reservoirs.

    With any luck, I’ll finish sewing my new purse today *and* I’ll finish the blankets I wove for my realtor’s toddlers. They came off the loom and now just need hemming. Lavender will “help” while I sew, of course. She gets the zoomies on weekend mornings and enjoys helping me empty trash, pick things up, etc. Such a little nut.

    Hugs to you all.

  7. Alice Shortcake February 18, 2023 / 1:15 pm

    Muppet2171, you obviously need a decoy decoy laundry bag…

    Storm Otto swept through the north of England on Thursday night/Friday morning, and one of its last acts was blowing away one of my recycling boxes. I combed through the immediate vicinity of the Shortcakery on Friday to no avail, but this morning it turned up in an alley I’d already searched. ‘Tis a mystery to rival those of the Marie Celeste and the popularity of the Kardashians.

    Tomorrow I expect to finish the repainting of my bedroom, which will give me a few days to relax before the new flooring is installed and I can haul boxes of books out of the storage room to fill the spiffy new oak shelves. Honestly, if someone had told me last December that I’d still be busy in March I would NOT have believed them!

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