38 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. 6rabbit August 5, 2023 / 8:11 am

    Those glasses look better on a cat then they ever would on a human!

  2. Tigger Jourard August 5, 2023 / 8:23 am

    “Spontaneous Cartoon Heart Eyes” ?! I mean, come on. That’s the best.
    And the Oscar for Best Header and Caption Writing goes to … *drumroll* … Cutetropolis! (no surprise there)

    • Dulcie August 5, 2023 / 9:50 am

      Definitely Tigger!! And sound effects too! Mike this is so much fun you’re killing me!😸🤣😆😸

      • Alice Shortcake August 5, 2023 / 11:21 am

        I wouldn’t mind being diagnosed with SCHE instead of Deranged Liver Function (great band name!), which apparently is the cause of the jaundice/sickness/tiredness I’ve been afflicted with recently. I spent five days in hospital undergoing various tests – I had no idea the MRI machine was SO NOISY – but there is no trace of hepatitis or any other virus, suspicious lumps etc. I do have a few gallstones but they aren’t causing the problem.

        The whole experience was rather shambolic. There wasn’t a bed available on the Gastro ward until the fifth night, so I spent the first in an examination room, the second in a no-frills Emergency Admissions ward, and the next two in a different examination room. My days were spent in a waiting room. Mercifully I had a well-stocked Kindle or I would have gone mad with boredom! I have to return for a checkup on Wednesday and unless things have improved I see a liver biopsy in the near future…

        • DEBG August 5, 2023 / 11:35 am

          Alice, that sounds like a rough week. So sorry. I’m glad you’re home now and I hope the doctors can come up with a treatment plan soon. At least they ruled out a lot of things.

          I have a dear friend out here in Colorado with a rare liver disease. Apparently it’s so rare, very few people know what to do with it. Livers are tricky.

        • tara August 5, 2023 / 12:15 pm

          Alice – wow – what a mess. Glad you are home and hope you are feeling better.
          Sending you good vibes for continued healing.

        • Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 5, 2023 / 1:22 pm

          Oh, Alice, that sounds hellish. I hope the medicos are able to find you a helpful solution soon. Enjoy sleeping in your own bed.

          • Alice Shortcake August 5, 2023 / 1:31 pm

            Thanks for the kind wishes, everyone! I keep thinking how fortunate it is that I wasn’t taken ill when Dad was still alive – he would have had to go into a nursing home as there’s no way he could have coped on his own for even one night.

        • Dulcie August 5, 2023 / 1:55 pm

          Oh no Alice! That’s the pits!
          Hang in there… hopefully you get better soon. 💕

        • Dubravkamcvmd August 5, 2023 / 3:32 pm

          I’m sorry your problem doesn’t have a solution yet. I have a couple of mystery problems and it’s hard not to imagine the worst

  3. allein 🐾 August 5, 2023 / 8:52 am

    Happy Caturday, everyone. Love Piper’s Spontaneous Cartoon Heart Eyes.

    Need to do some chores and stuff. I have a long weekend because I’m getting my crown finished on Monday so I took the day off (could have done a half day but I have vacation time to use).

    Just discovered these cat breeds the other day (make sure sound is on).

    • 6rabbit August 5, 2023 / 8:57 am


    • AJ August 5, 2023 / 9:10 am

      That is too dang funny! Good luck with the dentist. I too go to the dentist but luckily just for a quick checkup and then for them to try and upsell me on various procedures I really don’t need. I have to remember no thank you or let me think on it are complete sentences.

      • allein 🐾 August 5, 2023 / 9:36 am

        I’ve read horror stories of people being told they need lots of pricey things done, and then get a second opinion from someone who says there’s nothing wrong with their teeth. My dentist doesn’t seem to be one of those but I still had a few paranoid moments when I thought about the bill (I do not understand why insurance covers so little, as if teeth aren’t important to your health). I went to the same father/sons practice since I’ve had teeth, but the younger brother passed away a few years ago and later that year the older one retired; he sold the practice to a husband/wife pair and they are very nice and I’m trusting that he picked good people to take over his patients. (I’ve mostly seen the wife; the only time I saw the husband was early in the pandemic, literally two days before my work informed us we’d be working from home for the foreseeable future.)

        One of the crowns is replacing an old one and the other is replacing an old filling, which I could feel had something going on when I bit down on the wrong spot (even on something that wasn’t particularly hard). They are adjacent teeth and weren’t even touching each other anymore.

        Speaking of insurance, my mom’s doctor wanted her to get an MRI on her neck, and they denied it unless she did physical therapy first, so she did, and was supposed to get the MRI on Tuesday, but they denied it again. They’ll pay for the $19K loop recorder for her heart (that she’s supposed to be getting next week), but not an MRI which google tells me averages around $600 in New Jersey. But then she saw the neurologist who did a nerve conduction test (EMG) and found a problem with one disk, so now she’s trying to get her in for an MRI (since they have more a specific finding to investigate, maybe they’ll finally let her do it), but she has to get it before she gets the recorder because you can’t do an MRI with that in (and it might stay in up to three years).

        • Alice Shortcake August 5, 2023 / 11:29 am

          Ye gods – $600 dollars for an MRI? I had one a few days ago and thanks to our overworked but wonderful National Health Service it cost me NOTHING.

          • DEBG August 5, 2023 / 11:39 am

            I have often contemplated moving to England or Canada just for the health care and sensible gun safety laws.

          • allein 🐾 August 5, 2023 / 11:41 am

            That was the average price if you’re paying cash. I don’t know what it is with insurance (probably a copay of some sort, I would guess).

    • Murray C. August 5, 2023 / 9:17 am


    • DEBG August 5, 2023 / 11:37 am

      Fantastic! I made the mistake of sipping from my Diet Coke can while watching, and then almost had a painful through-the-nose experience. Learn from my errors, people!

      Good luck with the crown.

    • tara August 5, 2023 / 12:18 pm

      Haha! The timing of this. Fabulous. I think I have one who thinks he is a celestial being too.

    • Tigger Jourard August 5, 2023 / 3:23 pm

      Allein, thank you for that cat breed vid. Made my day!! Hope yours gets better.

  4. AJ August 5, 2023 / 9:18 am

    Happy weekend! What a loverly girl and those heart eyes are the bomb! She’s just rocking them.

    I survived! Three full days of Excel training and by 4 pm Friday, I thought my brain was going to overflow with all the info crammed in. Some of it was useful, some over complicated certain procedures and some of it was yeah, that’s nice but I don’t do that type of analysis in my job.

    Off today on a lovely adventure for mine and hubby’s anniversary. First to a Shelby car museum and then dinner at our branch of Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen. The menu sounds yummy but we’ll see if actuality meets expectations.

    • DEBG August 5, 2023 / 11:40 am

      Happy anniversary! And congrats on surviving your training. I tend to learn programs piecemeal, so a legit training session might be nice. Or it might be really really frustrating–like you said, a PhD sent back to kindergarten.

  5. Sedro6 August 5, 2023 / 10:28 am

    My Shadow was given the same collar as Piper, with the cat paw pendant. Shadow gave me the pink pendant which I now wear as a necklace. We’re both comfortable with our cat collars!

  6. Georgiana August 5, 2023 / 11:34 am

    My eyes did heart for Piper!

    Minnie had her yearly visit at the vet on Wednesday and I’m glad to report that she is doing fine. There no need to change the medication for her thyroid gland and everything else is working as well as can be expected for a 16 year old cat. In fact the vet said the technicians couldn’t believe her age, seems she gave them a bit of trouble getting blood for her test LOL!

    I had a call from the hospital yesterday to tell me the operation on my hand is scheduled for the August 21st so I decided to get my long hair cut short since I won’t have the use of my right hand for at least 3 weeks.

    I had been thinking about cutting my hair for a while, my hair is past my shoulder and I always wear it in a pony tail or put it up, short hair will be a lot easier to care for with just one hand and anyway at 66 I’m just fed-up with the hassle of taking care of long hair.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!

    • DEBG August 5, 2023 / 11:41 am

      Short hair is THE BOMB. You just have to get it cut frequently!

      Hugs to Miss Minnie.

      • allein 🐾 August 5, 2023 / 11:51 am

        This is why I have long hair… according to my calendar the last time I cut my hair was June 2022.

        • 6rabbit August 5, 2023 / 3:13 pm

          Last time I had my hair cut was 2 months before Covid hit. My hair dresser quit in the fuss, so now…. Pony tails are awesome!

          • allein 🐾 August 5, 2023 / 4:15 pm

            I go for a loose-ish braid most of the time.

            I actually have an appointment on Wednesday; will probably just trim it but I don’t know how much. I’ll let her tell me how much damage there is at the ends. I took that day off, too, because I have to get a couple tests done (then I see the doctor who ordered them on Friday of the following week), but that’s not until the afternoon so I figured I’d get my hair cut in the morning. Then I have Friday off because I worked Sunday.

            My one coworker and I have to use our vacation time by the end of September, and the other guy has until the end of October to use his, so between the three of us there aren’t a lot days in the next few months that we will all be working.

  7. DEBG August 5, 2023 / 11:51 am

    I love Piper’s heart eyes and matching scarf! They look so well against her panther fur.

    Peeps, I’ve got two big things coming up soon. Next week, we meet with the big brass to gather feedback on the new retail shopping website. I’ve done almost nothing else at work for the last few months. People got the link on Wednesday, and so far feedback has been pretty positive. But you never know . . .

    And my kitchen upgrade is moving along! I bought the countertops yesterday and they’ll be installed within the next two months. The new sink coordinates beautifully. In a few minutes I’ll install new light fixtures over the island and in the entryway. It will be delightful to work with up-to-code, modern wiring and ceiling boxes!

    I have to hire someone for the new ceiling fan and heavy fixture over my loom (what most people would call the dining area) because I don’t have a ladder tall enough. Plus I’m afraid of heights–standing on a ladder, holding heavy fixtures, and reaching up to the 9′ ceiling would be a bad idea.

    Happy Caturday and hugs to everyone.

  8. Duckie 🐥 August 5, 2023 / 12:01 pm

    Everyone sounds incredibly busy right now, some unfortunately.
    Starting fall prep this week, so I can go slowly.
    BFF’s fiftieth birthday party tomorrow.
    Hubby has a week off starting Wednesday, and I’m sending him camping for a few days. He needs some time to himself.
    FIL interment on 25th.
    Busses are back tomorrow, FINALLY.
    Love all of today’s cats.
    Have a great weekend, everyone.

    • Dulcie August 5, 2023 / 1:57 pm

      I hope hubby enjoys his renewal time.

    • 6rabbit August 5, 2023 / 3:17 pm

      I’ve seen this before. I love when the dog gives side-eye to the videographer like, must you record this? 😁

    • Dubravkamcvmd August 5, 2023 / 8:15 pm

      Lovely of the dog to watch her kittens for her.

  9. carlotta August 5, 2023 / 4:29 pm

    (I need to get up earlier on Caturday!) I need advice on Nelly. She’s so bad that we’re beginning to think she was abandoned deliberately. She is sweet as pie, sometimes, but spends a lot of time knocking things off furniture, diving into trash cans, and playing with everything that we don’t give her as a toy. She’s recently started leaping up the back of my over-sized t-shirts, sometimes with claws out. On the other hand, yesterday I was feeling unwell, and she kept me company, even sleeping on my leg, which she had tried to bite earlier! But the little devil looks so sweet.

    • DEBG August 5, 2023 / 8:16 pm

      Sounds to me like she’s bored. You might find good advice here: https://www.wayofcats.com/blog/

      I like Pam’s book very much–solid advice. Pam also does consultations via phone or video if you need it.

      The little devils always look so sweet. That’s how they lure us in.

    • Dubravkamcvmd August 5, 2023 / 8:21 pm

      Uh, sounds pretty normal to me. High spirits. Or was I abused by my cats?

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