Having lulled the unfortunate victim into a false sense of security, he ponders his next move. A bite to the neck, perhaps? Quick, but unchallenging. Disembowelment? Much too messy. Poison? No, then I can’t eat him.

Having lulled the unfortunate victim into a false sense of security, he ponders his next move. A bite to the neck, perhaps? Quick, but unchallenging. Disembowelment? Much too messy. Poison? No, then I can’t eat him.
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I’m so skeered!
Hold me.
Can I be his prey?
Look at that fierce little face!
It’s the wrinkled nose that gets me!
But remember folks… they have needle teeth and claws at this stage– so very lethal.
You’re already killing me with your cuteness.
I believe that’s exactly what kitteh is thinking
Kitten with their fierce on just kill me. So cute and so ferocious at the same time.
Actually, I DO feel vaguely threatened.