(Heh, I think I’ll give this joker a head start and let him crawl ahead for a few hundred yards, then shoot across the finish line to win. This is a brilliant plan and cannot possibly fail.)

Tortoise and the Hare, by BAD RABBIT INC., licensed under CC BY 2.0
Aww, how sweet. That bun reminds me of a bunny, I once had. At that time, we had 2 young children, 2 dogs, 2 bun buns and a red eared slider turtle. One of the dogs would lay on the floor, while the bunny loved hopping over it, repeatedly and the turtle, just crawled over to check things out.
Looks like long bunny…
That IS a long bunny!
The hare in that story is a jerk! Never known any buns like him and I’m sure this one just wants to make sure turtle is…safe?
That must be it.
If any of you are fans of The Office, writer and actor B.J. Novak wrote a book of short stories some years back, and reads the audiobook too. It’s got a tortoise and hare story that had me howling with laughter.
Am I missing a spoiler alert here?