Baby’s First Baff: The Supercut

Reader Cynthia D. brings us some concentrated cuteness to keep our Monday moving. It’s five solid minutes of The Girl with the Dogs giving puppies and kittens their very first grooming.

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11 thoughts on “Baby’s First Baff: The Supercut

  1. Kar January 15, 2024 / 4:28 pm

    Interesting that she does a lot of this on her lap. I guess it calms the babies?

  2. 6Rabbits January 15, 2024 / 4:32 pm

    “Eyes of the Betrayed”
    Never seen sooo many pups calling for mom or dad with their eyes!
    “Wait Mom/Dad! What did I do?! I won’t do it again, I promise…halp!”

  3. Georgiana January 15, 2024 / 4:36 pm

    The kitten were so relaxed while she cut their claws, I usually don’t have a problem cutting my cats claws but today Storm fought back for the first time and gave a couple of nasty scratches on my arm.

    • debg January 15, 2024 / 6:10 pm

      Ouch! I do use a happy hoodie on Lavender because she tries to bite me. It takes her a while to forgive me no matter what, though.

  4. Dubravkamcvmd January 15, 2024 / 5:08 pm

    Her ability to bathe kittens is miraculous.

    • debg January 15, 2024 / 6:08 pm

      The cats were more stoic and relaxed than some of the pups! Not what I was expecting.

  5. debg January 15, 2024 / 6:09 pm

    Oh the shiverings and quiverings and whimperings! Almost broke my heart!! So very very cute, though. And everybody came out of the salon looking fabulous.

    • allein 🐾 January 15, 2024 / 6:37 pm

      All those puppy dog eyes!

  6. Dana January 15, 2024 / 9:39 pm

    Omg. Hilarious. Adorable. Utterly overwhelmingly cute.

    The ears flapping under the dryer – LOL!

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 15, 2024 / 9:44 pm

      And the expression on that white kitty flipped on its back! And the pups who fell asleep! Andandand…

  7. Duckie 🐥 January 16, 2024 / 11:21 am


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