In the savage wilderness, small animals often adapt to mimic larger, more threatening creatures. Among these is the western wattlewoof (howlus disapprovus) While sounding a warning to others in his group, he also presents the image of a stern disapproving grandfather, causing would-be attackers to question their life choices.

Aw, her name is Ember.
Have to share this poem from reddit user RespectableLurker555 on the original post:
yes i iz cute
cuz u can see
i luv da grass
an it luv me
but if da wild
it call me too
i lift my snoot
an go ‘awoo’
gaaaah so cute
Puppy poetry is my favorite kind.
How do you feel about Puppy Songs?
Love those too! That’s adorable!
warms me cockles!
Oh my gosh, so much to love here! The photo, the scrolldown and the poem. Awoo is right!