Cutetropolis reader Susan H. took some absolutely beautiful photos of an eagle with a lot of opinions about things. Here are the deets:
I visited Northwest Trek wildlife park in Eatonville, WA. The eagles had a lot to say!

There are four eagles in the enclosure, and for several years they’ve separated themselves.

Recently, the ones in the bigger area have started hanging out in the smaller section. Much yelling and screaming has ensued.

Bald eagles sound like baritone seagulls. I want to hug them but have been advised not to.
Was gonna say I want to give the last one a hug cuz he looks sad but I probably shouldn’t.
He’s fine- I just happened to catch him at the split second when he was looking down. But yeah, it does kinda look like he’s having an existential crisis. 😛
Beautiful photos and awesome captions!
I think he’s screetching about his magnificent pantaloons.
Is this a winter thing?
These photos are beautiful. I wish I could have been there to see (and hear) these chatty eagles.
Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing.
Lovely photos, Sue! Eagle is so judgy in 3rd pic, s/he could be a cat.
He was probably just upset that I didn’t walk underneath him so he could poop on me, lol! The enclosure arches over the walkway, so you can actually walk right under them. There’s a LOT of eagle poop on that walkway.
Gorgeous photos Susan! Thank you for sending them to Mike for us to enjoy!
Wonderful expressions on their faces.