I’m supposed to be on this flight to help my human with stress, then he takes a nap after takeoff and I’ve got nothing to do! I’m going to need my own emotional support animal after this!

I’m supposed to be on this flight to help my human with stress, then he takes a nap after takeoff and I’ve got nothing to do! I’m going to need my own emotional support animal after this!
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I would let him come sit with me and help with my stress…
I would rather have this pupper on a flight than most people.
Tru dat
yes indeed
Also since I’m the emotional support human for my cats, I agree that pup needs an emotional support being of some kind.
I’ve been pretty lucky on most flights I’ve taken. Alas, it only takes one self-centered, inconsiderate knucklehead to make time in a flying tin can a misery. Pupper would certainly help!
I’m not really nervous on planes but I would fake nervousness just so this sweet pupper could come and comfort me.
Come sit with me sweetheart and I’ll buy you something ridiculous out of the SkyMall catalog