Lurking within the brush of the sun-baked African plain, the hungry tiger eyes her next meal. Patience is both her strength and enemy, for both she and her hungry cubs depend on her judgement and timing. Just then, she sees her chance — a young Russet has carelessly tumbled from the safety of its bushel. With lightning speed she strikes…

I had a kitten who would triumphantly kill tissues and then probably prince for the house with it in her teeth. Dragging it underneath on her belly.
She was so proud.
As she should be.
I had a dog who would cram his whole head in your pocket to steal tissues. He’d open trash cans by stepping on the pedal.
Yikes! Ricky used to really love dirty tissues and napkins, but at 7.5 lbs or less, at least he couldn’t work the pedal. 😮
This is so epic and such a proud kitty with her “prize”.
That kitten is walking with her head held high. You go, little hunter!
The tiger and her hungry cubs will sleep with full bellies tonight.
Impressive kill! Those potatoes are wilier than they look.
what’s really dangerous are steaks.
left one out by mistake on the stove and another cat stalked, pounced, and fell to the ground wrestling it.
Eventually de=skinned it by pulling off a corner of the cellophane for a victorious chomping on the corner.
The next day she woke me up and I followed her into the kitchen where she showed off her kill.
Her ancestors on the ancient savannahs couldn’t have done better