“Hey, Dad! Where do trees come from? Can we have balloon animals at my birthday party? Miss Marcy from daycare said I was a chubby boi, is that a bad thing? Are ghosts real? Why are you tired all the time?”

“Hey, Dad! Where do trees come from? Can we have balloon animals at my birthday party? Miss Marcy from daycare said I was a chubby boi, is that a bad thing? Are ghosts real? Why are you tired all the time?”
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Gah! Thunk. Ded.
I’m ded next to you.
Oh sweetie you’re perfect just the way you are and somebody needs to have a talk with Miss Marcy about what not to say to cute little puppy!
Chubby boi is definitely good when you’re an adorable little doggie (with a handy scritching spot on his head!)
How about this balloon animal?

Yes, ghosts are real.

OMG, I love the show Ghosts!!! Usually I like the British original better but I tried, I really tried, but I couldn’t watch the BBC version. Not sure if it was the actors or the humor.
I caught a few episodes here and there during the first season but didn’t get into it until shortly before the second season started; then I watched the whole first season on demand to get caught up. Recently CBS was running the British version; I watched the first couple episodes and just couldn’t get into it.
SQUEEEEEEE! I think I just made a noise only dogs can hear, lol. Those rolls, the chonkiness, that sweet face. I just wanna scoop him up and smother him with kisses. Absolutely the most perfect, bestest boi in the whole universe. And you can come ask me any and all questions you want.
For some reason, my mind went immediately to The Poky Little Puppy, even though theyโre completely different dogs.
I can see it…
I want to pick him up and play him like a concertina!