“The spaceships will be here soon, so I’ll make this brief. We’ve been living among you for years, studying you and gaining your trust, and now it’s time to take over. It’s nothing personal, you’ve always been nice to me, and I’ll put in a good word for you with the reeducation camp.”

Hey, I may have watched too much news commentary lately…but I’m more than willing to give them a shot.
Can I join you in your spaceship, kitty cat?
I for one am more than pleased to welcome our new cat overlords. Can’t be worse than what we have going on now!
Aha! I always suspected that Minkette communicated regularly with the Mother Ship!
As long as I still get to pet and cuddle kitties, I’m fine.
That will probably be your job, once they take over.
I would take that job!
That explains so much, actually.
can i just comment on those adorable muzzlepuffs?
Yes, yes you can.
Heck, I’ll give it a shot and see if J. Posadas was right.
But only if the suit stays.