Dog helps save drowning friend, baby porcupine born, cartoon cat, and what dogs do when they think they’re alone.
Meet Fedja: Cat That Looks Like a Real-Life Cartoon Character
Sad and Useless, via NTMTOM
Timid Goat Had No Friends Until This Doxie Arrived
Cuddle Buddies / YouTube, via NTMTOM
And finally: Oh, You’re Home
Murray C. shares what a dog does when not quite home alone.
The concerned citizen who saved the golden and called the Coast Gard deserves a medal and the Newfoundland deserves a big fat steak!
Fedja the cat is adorable.
I’ve seen that dog video at least a dozen times and it’s funny every time!
Fedja the cat definitely has something odd about his eyes,
but glad it doesn’t seem to bother him or his family☺️
Porcupette is adorable! So sad you can’t cuddle with a porcupine.
Especially touched by parrot story. SO glad he finally has a good place after evil ex-husbands “care”.😠
The thing about birds is you have to plan ahead because they are going to out-live you. My hairdresser has 3 birds and I always loved hearing about them and their antics, and how she is planning for someone else who loves them to have them at the necessary time. 84 years old and blind, this birdie deserves all the goodness he can get!
It is wonderful that he has a bird companion also. So necessary!
Watched parrot story first, and was so angry that I had to wait before watching others stories and commenting. Honestly, who hits birds?
Glad he has a proper forever home now.
Love the doggie singing at home, thinking he’s alone.
Fedja has stolen my heart.
TGIF, everybody!
Loving all the links today.Ellie and Fern have stolen my heart, that little odd couple BFFs. And Koko, such a sweet birb and so happy he finally landed in a good home with humans that adore him. Less said about the ex-husband, the better. Sing me a song of your people buddy, lol.
🎶 I’m leaving on a jet plane🎵 Heading to Vegas for the Bruce Springsteen concert tonight with my brother and sister-in-law, then we’re all driving back tomorrow. And Monday night, we go to the 2nd concert here in San Diego so I probably won’t be commenting for several days. Have a great weekend everyone!
Went to have numerous vials of blood drained from me (okay, it was only three, but they were kinda big). So I’m late.
Singing doggo: Hey, don’t sneak up on me like that! (I’ve also seen that before but it’s too funny.)
Love the porcupette’s little mohawk. 🙂 I also love the word “porcupette.”
Yay for doggo water rescue!
Fedja looks so plush…and his little felted mini-me!

I love his action pillow!
Rest after your vampire attacks, Allein.
I just realized I haven’t taken the cotton ball off yet. I wore a fleece pullover and realized when I got there that the cuffs don’t stretch enough to pull the sleeve up high enough so I had to half take it off. Oops.
The dog videos play to stereotypes. Newfies are rescuers. Dachshunds have no more idea what breed or even species they are than any one else does. Goldens are morons.