14 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. allein 🐾 March 30, 2024 / 8:22 am

    That’s the fuzziest egg I’ve ever seen.

    Doctor’s office called yesterday and said my blood work was all normal.

    I will destroy you, your bloodline, and all of humanity

    • Dubravkamcvmd March 30, 2024 / 8:44 am

      Good news!

    • Georgiana March 30, 2024 / 11:51 am

      I love Chihuahuas for the same reasons that some people don’t like them.

    • DEBG March 30, 2024 / 11:58 am

      Great news about your bloodwork. Hope you’re feeling better.

    • Kar March 30, 2024 / 12:15 pm

      I hope that’s good news?

      Glad that the bloodwork looks good but know when good test results leave questions like what the heck is the issue/cause?

  2. Ricky & Bibi's Mom March 30, 2024 / 8:52 am

    So glad, Allein!

    Here’s more good news:

    • allein 🐾 March 30, 2024 / 8:56 am

      The dogs are always so good.

      That is one big Great Dane.

  3. AJ March 30, 2024 / 10:27 am

    Hmmm this lovely fuzz ball or chocolate in my Easter basket??? Tough choice but I think I’ll go with kitty, lasts longer than chocolate and doesn’t end up on my hips.

    Concerts last week were just epic. 3 Hours each night and I spent 90% of the night on my feet yelling and dancing. And it was great hanging with my brother and his wife for a few days. But I’ve now learned I cannot party like I did when I was younger. Been trying to recuperate all week plus with the crazy weather we’ve had, I’ve also been fighting some crud. Weather’s been warm then cold then warm then cool and rainy. And major storm literally blowing into town this weekend. The wind has been howling around the house since last night, and now the rain has started. So not much will be going on here, probably see a movie and run some errands. Hope everyone’s weekend is better than mine and Happy Easter to those that celebrate.

    • DEBG March 30, 2024 / 11:10 am

      We missed you last Caturday, AJ! Glad you had a great time but sorry about the aftereffects.

    • Kar March 30, 2024 / 12:16 pm

      suggest several pots of fragrant tea and a lot of sleep underneath some warm quilts.

  4. DEBG March 30, 2024 / 11:19 am

    Love this pretty kitty, and the dog videos y’all posted are glorious! We Rate Dogs is epic. So glad about Poppy.

    I’m just lazing around today, because I went into the office on Friday for a coworker’s retirement party. She’d been with the company for 36 years, in the 55 years of its existence. Hard to imagine.

    So I’ll spend the day cuddling kitties, knitting a thank-you hat, and weaving a new vest on my rigid heddle loom, as I listen to audiobooks. Wish I didn’t have to go grocery shopping tomorrow, but there it is–I must eat.

    Happy Caturday, everyone! If you’re celebrating tomorrow, enjoy the day.

  5. Alice Shortcake March 30, 2024 / 11:20 am

    Thumbs up for Allein 👍, and glad to hear that AJ enjoyed the concerts 😄 but now wants those darn kids to get off the lawn 😠. Over the past few months I’ve had to accept that I’m no longer the fast walker I used to be, and have started to add an extra ten minutes when it comes to catching buses or keeping appointments!

    The highlight of my week was having a tooth extracted due to an abscess, which tells you all you need to know about the Excitement Quotient of life at the Shortcakery. Fortunately the gap is too far back to be visible so I’m not bothering with a bridge.

  6. Georgiana March 30, 2024 / 12:04 pm

    Now that’s the kind of Easter basket I like!

    We’ve been to the movies again this week that’s 2 weeks in a row something we haven’t done in years. This week we saw Ghostbusters Frozen Empire. it was a lot of fun, it’s full of call back to the original movie so if you’re a fan of those you’ll enjoy this one.

    Happy Easter everyone!

  7. Duckie 🐥 March 30, 2024 / 12:19 pm

    I would love to cuddle with this sweetie.
    Quick summary: hubby changes shifts next week so working seven days in a row this week; sent manuscript to one last real publisher; applied for hubby’s disability tax credit; choosing seven big items to get rid off today (defunct printer, ugly table, etc); hubby and I have decided to learn sign language; having Easter gathering next week because sister’s kids don’t want anyone over tomorrow (probably because they know we will help their mother actually do the work, the little sh**s); seeing dermatologist next week for skin lesions (biopsy?); almost halfway to completing my New Year’s resolution to pay off line of credit (tax refund HUUUGE help).
    Hurray for good blood numbers, Allein!
    Glad you had a great time, AJ. Weather here is temperamental.
    Alice, I have a lovely gap in my mouth, too. My dentist wants me to get a bridge, but I say it’s too far back as well, and nothing has shifted yet, so 😝
    Off to run a few errands. This week has been absolutely insane, so, after church tomorrow, I’m going back to bed to read. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

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