Bald raccoon, nosy pets, cat learns to move, ball-balancing dog, and more.
Raccoon with alopecia shows just how resilient wildlife can be
YouTube, via Georgiana Y.
Owners Share Hilarious Photos Of Their Pets Being Nosy
Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.
Stray Cat Moves In with Kind People, Next Day They Wake Up to Kittens
Love Meow, via Andrew Y.
And finally: Dog… Or Seal?
Murray C. shares a ball-balancing gubboi.
Poor naked racoon, I’m glad he’s getting help.
That dog should be part of Cirque du Soleil!
No no – of course none of you are nosy! You are all very good supervisors. Thank you for all your hard work. 🙂
I can’t believe they will let that little racoon back out in the wild. How did she survive the winter with no fur? Sweet girl – gosh she doesn’t even look like a racoon though.
Beach ball dog has mad skillz. That was lovely.
Sweet Axel the highway kitty, and Cleo with her kittens, have melted my brain.
Nosey pets have me howling. Cute *and* acrobatic!
He’s not being nosy, he’s just showing off his hard work in the gym.
Blinds and pets do not go together!😂

That does not EVEN look like a raccoon! Poor baby, hope she can get well. Don’t imagine she had many friends.
What in the heck could make an animal paralyzed like that cat? So glad her people took care of her instead of listening to that vet. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying you have no clue why an animal is the way it is, and recommending another vet. People get second opinions all the time.
Naked racoon is just …. odd. Glad she’s getting the help she needs and hope her fur grows back. Nosey animals are too much, talk about being all up in your business, lol. Wow, just amazed with that dog and the ball, never seen skills like that.
Their heads aren’t shaped quite the way I expected lol.
Nothing about them looks like what I would have expected … only I’m not sure I ever thought to expect!
Sorta like seeing dinosaur skeletons and trying to figure out what they looked like. Nobody would have put that much fluffy fur on!
I sent my parents the picture and asked what animal they thought it was.
They guessed a hairless kangaroo baby.
I read the first headline as “rhino with alopecia” and boy! Was I surprised!
Yeah, how would you even tell if a rhino had no hair?!?
Naked tail tip.
Anyone else enjoy today’s solar eclipse? It was a bit less dramatic in NYC than I thought it would be; I thought it would be like nighttime in the afternoon. But I was with some other folks and we shared around the safety specs. It was pretty cool. Also accompanied by the most adorable young dachshund. I thought my heart would explode. (Don’t tell Bibi.)
Well – we had beautiful blue skies in Philly until about 2pm. Then we had clouds throughout the main event and finally around 4pm things cleared up for the very end of it. Sheesh.
Wish we had a dachshund to cheer us up!
I didn’t have specs so I just watched it get weirdly darker outside. It was 98% coverage where I am so I was surprised it wasn’t darker.
It was kind of cloudy but it was visible over the building at work (judging by the number of people outside, they must have been able to see something). I didn’t go out, just looked out the window (which faces out the front of the building so I knew I wouldn’t see the sun at that time of day). I looked up and the patches of sky I could see through the clouds were gray instead of blue closer to where the sun was (but blue further out). That was pretty neat.. I think it was about 93% here; it just got slightly dimmer for a little bit.
I did put the NASA live stream on for a bit, so I saw it several times, in Mexico, Kerrville, TX, somewhere in Arkansas, Carbondale, IL. I turned it off after that but then put on the Answers with Joe channel on youtube where he was livestreaming (he lives in Dallas so it was past him by the time I tuned in). He had the NASA feed on one side and himself over in the corner and I think a map below him. At one point he pulled up the readings from the solar panels on his house and there was a big dip at the time of totality.
My parents took these from their deck.
Nice pics. I wasn’t able to take any pictures. We didn’t have any clouds and even with 60% eclipse where I am it was still to bright for any pictures.
Didnt see it my self but did watch the commentary on several channels
I was surprised by the different colors of the coronas. Some were yellow, other bright green or vivd blue. Wonder if its a combination of temperature, clouds or angle of the sun like a prism