Honest I do, and it really hurts! Ow! I’m going to need a lot of ice cream to numb the pain. Like, maybe two pints of caramel fudge ripple. And a pint of strawberry. Oh, and maybe some lemon sorbet as a palate cleanser.

Honest I do, and it really hurts! Ow! I’m going to need a lot of ice cream to numb the pain. Like, maybe two pints of caramel fudge ripple. And a pint of strawberry. Oh, and maybe some lemon sorbet as a palate cleanser.
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can’t deny that sweet face anything.
love how the hankerchef matches their nose.
I didn’t notice that. That’s a very pink nosicle.
That is one of the prettiest faces I’ve ever seen
I have to stop at Wegmans on my way home. I will get you all the ice cream.
Oh lord help me, I couldn’t deny that face anything. Ice cream is on the way!
The cuteness . . . it burns
You can have all my ice cream sweetie!
Thanks, now I want ice cream!
That is one adorable cat!
I would gladly hand over the deeds to my house and bank PIN number.