Dogs sitting awkwardly, cat wakes up, Great Dane loves everyone, and the cutest dancing partners.
Hilarious Gallery of Awkwardly Sitting Dogs
Sad and Useless, via NTMTOM
Giant Dog Runs To Say Hi To Everyone In His Town
Cuddle Buddies / YouTube, via NTMTOM
And finally: Dancing Partners
Andrew Y. and Murray C. both found this dancer copying a parrot move for move.
The dance partners are incredible!
I am DYING. That was so cool. And hilarious. And adorable.
How long did it take to train him I wonder? Or did he do it first and parent copied?
I think the bird danced first.
Right?! And I love the original song so much and Jessie Ware’s version is fantastic.
Birds dance naturally. Little Duckie dances for graham crackers, and there’s no way she got her elegant moves from me.
The crossed legs.. 😄
The crossed legs are my favorite
These ears are *magnificent*

Also the pug slug in the bowtie made me snortlaugh
I too love a chubby pug.
Dancing parrot is AMAZING!😁
Maybe these dogs are evolving towards humans? They’ve seen their humans sit this
way and think “why the heck not?”
That sleeping cat is the twin of many on their day off! In the comments, “it’s called retirement” was
posted many times😉
I can’t imagine having a dog as big as Kernal. Can you imagine how much he costs to maintain? Kudos to those who can do it👍🏼
Someone in my complex used to have two Great Danes. I would see them outside but didn’t know what unit they lived in; I guessed one of the townhouses. But then one day I saw them head inside, to a downstairs flat that is presumably the same size and layout as mine. I cannot comprehend. I can only assume the second bedroom was for the dogs…and even then it’s not a ton of room for two canine horses. You wouldn’t be able to put much else in that room.
They actually had the two when I first moved here, then at some point one of them was gone and a younger one showed up (not a puppy, but not full-grown), then after a while I stopped seeing the older of those two, then the last one was gone. (I’ve been here 12+ years; Danes live on average 8-10 and I have no idea how old they were to start.) They have a Husky now.
I can’t imagine living with TWO dogs that large in an apartment!
I can’t imagine sharing my place with even one Husky!
The dogs don’t find it awkward at all!
The cat was only testing waking up and decided there was no good reason not to go back to sleep. I’m envious!
We said the cat was taking a break between naps.
that cat is my new spirit animal