As a cat, I have a rule: Never cuddle anyone bigger than you. You’re all comfortable, then they shift a little bit and — squish! — you can’t breathe. Thing is, I really like the dog, so we put our heads together and found a solution.

As a cat, I have a rule: Never cuddle anyone bigger than you. You’re all comfortable, then they shift a little bit and — squish! — you can’t breathe. Thing is, I really like the dog, so we put our heads together and found a solution.
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These two have come to a mutually advantageous arrangement
Looks like my cousin’s dog.
Aww that’s so sweet.
Can’t blame the kitty. Chocolate labs obviously taste like chocolate when you lick them.
I’ll take your word for that…
The intensity and insistence of a cat bath has always amazed me. My cats grab me so I can’t get away.
Also these two are so sweet.