Peeps, here’s a special Mother’s Day treat from bunny mom 6rabbits:
Here are some photos of Pretzel. First at the shelter, then streeeeeeeeched out at the end of my bed, and finally—feetz!
Pretzel is sorta hard to get pictures of, cos either I don’t have my camera when he’s doing something photo-worthy, or he knows I’m trying to take a photo and ruins the take. Besides eating, his favorite thing is to lay in the sun.

My baby!!!!💙💙 Thanks Mike!😉
He really is a special boy! He is such a GOOD rabbit, it is amazing. Every day I am thankful that I got him☺️
His fur is like the Rex rabbits, all the same length and feels like velour! I know he’s happy, cos when we have petting sessions he does the teeth grinding thing. He makes me happy nearly every day😊
He is beautiful. I wish I had a bunny hanging out on my bed.
Love the hind paws and tail picture! So squeezable!
Softest pretzel I’ve ever seen!
Happy Mother’s Day!
We’re doing Mother’s Day next week because my brother is in Texas. I’m going to bring my mom’s card over today, anyway, but later; hopefully the rain stops.
That’s a better pretzel than I had last night. Love his marking and he does look so soft. I don’t know how you restrain yourself from kissing those plush feetsies. Thanks for sharing him with us.
Because I know where those plush feetsies have been! (…cough…litter box😝)
Awww – he looks amazing. Glad you two are so twitterpated with each other ❤️
✔️✔️✔️many up votes for adorable Pretzel. I love the bunny butt and feetzies and would love to kiss that cutie face. I’m happy Pretzel is bringing you much joy.
Also many up votes, Mike, for your pics of Teddy and Vera, yesterday. They’re living the good life they deserve.
Hurrah for Pretzel! What a beauty! 6Rabbits, I’m so glad you found each other.
Also that bunny butt is just too much.
Bunny butts are frequently too much—I think it’s the relaxed tail☺️
Thanks everyone! Pretzel sends kisses and expects head rubs if you ever meet!😄
Happy mother’s day everyone!
I miss mine every day still.
I understand, I will always miss my parents.