Attention Employers! Are you squeezing the maximum value from your workforce? Make certain with Ceiling CAT (Comprehensive Attention Tracking) surveillance system.

Ceiling CAT gives you a top-down view of your workforce, identifying slackers, snackers, pencil stackers, gamers, knitters, quiet quitters, Facetokkers, Tikbookers, Flaknackers, anyone who looks suspiciously contented, and Communists.

It’s the second coming of Ceiling Cat! Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together in the ceiling tiles, to meet the cat in the air: and so shall we ever be with the cat. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
I’m not religious but where do I join?
Mike, you so darned funny!
What about Bolsheviks? Is there an extra charge for ferreting out the Bolsheviks? I don’t want to have to buy that fancy Scott toilet paper.
(for the uninitiated, this is the Scott toilet paper ad I’m talking about:
That ad is particularly funny to me because I’ve overheard conversations at multiple companies to the effect of “if the TP in the executive offices is better than what’s in the general worker bathrooms, that tells you how they think of their workers.” Lessons unlearned.
I love the ad because it’s the only example I’ve seen that actually brings up class/wealth differences, and the notion that employers should be nice to their employees.
There’s a lot to be said for how messages in advertising have changed over the years, and what messages were unique that never came around again.
That’s an amazing find. I’m tempted to print and frame it, and hang it in my guest bath.