Maybe She’s Born With It

Cutetropolis reader AB, best known for sharing photos of her adorable Frenchies Grogu and Rey, has some new photos of a girl whose eyelashes are batting a thousand:

It’s well known that animators love to give “girl” animal characters long, flirty eyelashes to distinguish them from their male counterparts. Of course, this practice is silly and unrealistic.

Cute cocker spaniel dog with surprisingly long eyelashes looks at the camera
Um, yeah, about that…

This is how I can tell that Mila the cocker spaniel is actually some sort of cyndroid being (probably engineered by Disney) and not an actual dog.

Same cocker Spaniel dog looks down giving us a better look at her long eyelashes
Nope, I’m all real.

I also have my doubts about her brother Theo, who predictably lacks the excess eye fringe.

Same dog looks at you. a darker cocker Spaniel dog sits in the background
Him? He’s just an AI hallucination.
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4 thoughts on “Maybe She’s Born With It

  1. allein 🐾 May 24, 2024 / 2:13 pm

    Wow! She’s got perfect Disney princess curls, too!

  2. AJ May 24, 2024 / 2:32 pm

    That’s amazing! I’ve never seen eyelashes so long on a dog. And yes those curls are perfection too. Congrats, you now have an official DisneyDog (patent pending).

  3. Georgiana May 24, 2024 / 4:41 pm

    I am so jealous!

  4. 6rabbits May 24, 2024 / 6:07 pm

    Cocker spaniels used to be my favorite dog as a kid. I played with an adorable pup who lived down the street ☺️

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