Morning, ma’am. Heard you were having some troubles with bears in this area. Found a bunch of ’em out in the woods today, having a picnic or something, so I roughed one of ’em up to show the others who’s boss. Don’t think they’ll bother you no more. You’re welcome.

White dog and white furniture everywhere is a recipe for getting chomped.
Brown teddy must be the way they keep track of where he is, so as to not sit on him.
That said, I can’t decide if it’s admirable or just sad to spend that much time cleaning to have a pristine white living room, especially when you have a dog.
Maybe they hire professional cleaners. I like more color in my own home, but that’s a nicely balanced design.
His name is River. He brings his toy to you to say “thank you!” Awwwww ā¦
Iād give him an entire cheeseburger.
what a brave, brave boy.