Links: Short and Sweet

Short-spined dog thrives, wild turkey in New York, kitten overcomes challenges, and Tongue-out Tuesday.

And finally: blep

Andrew Y. sends us this teeny tongue.

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10 thoughts on “Links: Short and Sweet

  1. Georgiana May 28, 2024 / 10:05 am

    I’ve seen Cooper before I think he’s fantastic, I’m so glad he ended up with the perfect family!

    Derpy kitty is just to cute for words!

    • 6rabbits May 28, 2024 / 10:41 am

      Someone with cats explain! What in the heck is derpy kittyโ€™s arm movement for??

      • DEBG May 28, 2024 / 11:42 am

        It’s just a(nother) weird thing they do. Munchkins might do it more than most because their legs are so short.

      • Kar May 28, 2024 / 1:40 pm

        Either that or we’ve trained them/they’ve trained us that this means TREATS!!!

  2. 6rabbits May 28, 2024 / 10:46 am

    Lots of Beagle side-eye from Cooper! I think itโ€™s amazing he can move and play with such a disability!
    Rock on Cooper!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    • DEBG May 28, 2024 / 10:14 pm

      Cooper is amazing.

  3. allein ๐Ÿพ May 28, 2024 / 10:50 am

    Rosaline the Owl Kitty is gorgeous.

    We had a wild turkey on my college campus. His name was Tom and he liked to hang out in a tree in front of the library. Maintenance would clean up his mess once a week or so, and after he died the stain remained for quite a while so you always remembered which tree was his.

    • DEBG May 28, 2024 / 11:43 am

      Rosaline is STUNNING. I love owl kitties.

  4. Duckie ๐Ÿฅ, May 28, 2024 / 12:55 pm

    So turkeys do bunny flops?

    • 6rabbits May 28, 2024 / 1:50 pm

      Who knew?๐Ÿ˜

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