19 thoughts on “Get Happy!

  1. allein ๐Ÿพ May 30, 2024 / 6:32 pm

    I need Happy Happy! in my house right now please.

    • 6rabbits May 30, 2024 / 7:09 pm

      Me too!

  2. Blue Footed Booby May 30, 2024 / 6:34 pm

    I’m happy too, for various reasons. Specifically, 34 of them.

    • allein ๐Ÿพ May 30, 2024 / 6:35 pm

      I just saw that!

      • AJ May 30, 2024 / 6:40 pm

        Ok, I give. What is this reference???

        And these dogs made me happy happy too. How could you resist those faces??

        • allein ๐Ÿพ May 30, 2024 / 6:50 pm

          A certain someone who has been on trial in NYC was found guilty on all 34 counts.

          • 6rabbits May 30, 2024 / 7:09 pm


            • Ricky & Bibi's Mom May 30, 2024 / 7:32 pm

              HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

              Oh, yeah, and those puppers are adorable!

    • Dana May 30, 2024 / 6:41 pm

      Yes! 34 wonderful reasons!

    • DEBG May 31, 2024 / 1:12 am

      Right there with you. And with these happy happy pups.

      • Alice Shortcake May 31, 2024 / 7:41 am

        34 reasons to celebrate…and another six if you’ve been following the trial of a certain Doomsday Prophet!

  3. AJ May 30, 2024 / 6:55 pm

    Now I see why everyone is so dang happy!!

  4. allein ๐Ÿพ May 30, 2024 / 7:05 pm

    Hey, Mike, did you post the wrong pic for the first one? The link goes to a different picture (which was also the one in the email).

    (Not that he isn’t adorable.)

  5. 6rabbits May 30, 2024 / 7:08 pm

    I have had the middle pup saved on my phone for a loooong time! I Love him/herโค๏ธ

  6. Duckie ๐Ÿฅ, May 30, 2024 / 8:04 pm

    Duckieville is putting up red white and blue lights!

  7. Kar May 30, 2024 / 8:15 pm

    His name is Snuffles?

    That’s it, we’re done.

  8. Georgiana May 30, 2024 / 11:18 pm

    Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

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