(People tell me “You’re a cat, you have nothing to worry about,” but why is that, exactly? Do I have powerful friends? Am I protected by a magic spell? Was I blessed with unnaturally good luck? Could I be cleaning up in Vegas with this power?)

I’m kinda worried about that cat, Andrew Y.
Ok that’s not fair! How am I supposed to go on with my day after seeing this?
I like how the orange one is completely sacked out, unaware that insomnia even exists, while the tuxie tabby worries and worries.
Also cats in little beds!
Meanwhile, the orange one sleeps soundly while the brain cell is in use elsewhere.
Cats in beds is beyond cute. And I feel ya tabby, there’s many a late night/early morning (especially 4:30 am, blech!) that I ponder deep thoughts.
I love how his little paws are folded!
Can anyone tell what the green thing on the table is?
I enlarged the pic and it kind of looks like a stuffed turtle toy holding a little blanket.