Hello, I’d like to address a serious problem facing dogs today: Toy Shrinkage. That’s right, “shrinkflation” isn’t just for humans anymore. We dogs get diminishing returns for our toy dollar as well. For example, this blue octopus was purchased just one year ago…

And today, that same blue octopus is now 43 percent smaller! They’re just not making the exact same things the way they used to!

via Reddit.
Those puppy-dog eyes certainly didn’t shrink!
“…now there’s only seven. It’s a ripoff!” *snerk*
Also looks a little less floofy…
Doggo has the exact same puppy dog eyes as when he was a pup.
Such a cute boi with his toy. I keep saying this about my clothes but no one believes me either. I know I haven’t changed but my wardrobe seems to be shrinking in the dryer.
Dryers are evil.
Don’t tell this cutie what shrinkflation has done to his treats
You’re not getting older, NTMTOM, you’re getting better!
It’s clear both pupper and his toy are well-loved.
It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it: