Cutetropolis is brought to you today by Meteor Shower Heads, bringing your bathroom into the 21st century with app-enhanced, AI-automated shower heads that control temperature, water pressure, and totally don’t double as a communications portal for your cats to reach their home planet. In fact, forget we even said that bit.

“There was a ladybug on the ceiling.” 🐞
A bug. Naturally. 😂
Oh, I dunno. Sometimes Mookie and Mazzilli would just stare at something invisible.
It drives me crazy when my cats do that and I can’t figure out what the “expletive” they’re looking at!
I cat sit a lot and that absolutely freaks me out. 😂
Ghosts. It’s a well-known fact. I read about it in a Nancy Drew mystery when I was a kid.
Thanks Debg 🫣🤣
this explains so much.
Not the least why my cats are obsessed with not leaving me alone in the bathroom
Growing up, my dog used to sit in the middle of the back yard and stare at the sky. It took us a while to figure out he was watching squirrels in the trees and not awaiting pickup.