Weekend Open Thread

It’s the weekend, and time to do all those chores you’ve been putting off. However, if you’d like to put them off a little longer, reader Georgiana Y. has the perfect alibi:

I couldn’t clean the house today because Minnie wouldn’t let me get up, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

Close up of cat sitting on lap
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18 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Tara June 15, 2024 / 8:20 am

    Wise choice Georgiana – I wouldn’t argue with that face!

    Flying to California today to spend the week with my Dad while his wife is away. Should be a mercifully slow and quiet week.

    Happy weekend everyone!

    • Alice Shortcake June 15, 2024 / 9:20 am

      That’s a “you’ll get up when I get up” expression if ever I saw one…

      It’s a good job my jaunts to Stratford-upon-Avon and Avebury took place in glorious weather, because Britain is experiencing the wettest June since 1910 and it doesn’t look as though things will improve over the next few weeks (I’m off to Whitby on the 24th). It’s very disappointing but I try to look on the bright side – three weeks from today the Shortcakery will have a spiffy new room and I’ll be able to watch the rain through the loft window!

      • DEBG June 15, 2024 / 1:27 pm

        Rain is not terribly common in my part of Colorado so I always love listening to it. We had some great storms this week.

        You may have a different reaction to rain!

        Please share photos of your spiffy new room when it’s done.

  2. Georgiana June 15, 2024 / 9:09 am

    It’s funny, Minnie always looks so angry in photos but she’s the sweetest girl, at the moment she’s sleeping on my pillow on my bed which has become her new favourite place to nap during the day.

    Health wise she’s doing OK but this week we had the result of her latest blood work, last time it was too high and the vet upped her Felimazole from 1.25 mg to 2.5 mg twice a day but this time it was too low so she changed it to a 1.25 mg in the morning and a 2.5 mg tablet in the evening, I’m crossing my fingers that this will work.

    I have a little bonus today, a short video of Storm playing with her favourite mouse, I think I sent it in once but I don’t remember.

    • AJ June 15, 2024 / 9:53 am

      Your babies are so pretty!

  3. 6rabbits June 15, 2024 / 9:35 am

    Wish I had that excuse, Georgiana Y.!

  4. AJ June 15, 2024 / 10:05 am

    At least you make an effort at having an excuse, Georgiana. I just look at the house and go, enh it’s not too bad. Then I do my best Scarlett O’Hara impression and declare I’ll think about it tomorrow. 🤣😂

    New front porch stairs are in progress and the crew should have them done by next week. I can’t wait, concrete steps will be so much better than the old wood ones. Pretty laid back weekend, have a Lego club meeting today, and possibly heading to a car show tomorrow. Still slowly working my way through building the Notre Dame Lego set so that will take a good portion of the next two days, in between laundry and grocery shopping. Have a good weekend everyone and hope it’s cool where you’re at.

    • DEBG June 15, 2024 / 10:33 am

      Are you ever going to do the Lego cat from earlier this week?

      • AJ June 15, 2024 / 11:24 am

        I was thinking about it. It might be a nice break after doing the all the detail work with Notre Dame. I kinda wish Lego had stuck with the original Siamese version, a little more unique in my opinion. Now if it only came with a purr motor, lol.

        • allein 🐾 June 15, 2024 / 12:43 pm

          I liked the Siamese version better, too.

  5. DEBG June 15, 2024 / 10:38 am

    Her house, her rules. Minnie knows how to get what she wants. And how to look great doing it! Storm is a mighty hunter. When she catches her toy mouse, does she bring it to you or meow proudly? My sorely missed Josephine used to do the meowing thing, which was hysterical.

    I’m off to run errands and then I’ve got chores before I can settle down with yarn. I’ve been spinning some of the hand-dyed fiber from last weekend’s Wool Market. Tomorrow, it seems like I’ll be meeting with or talking to people all day, so I’ll be weaving a new strap for my purse that has been waiting for a few years.

    My short trip to Niagara Falls happens next week. Question for all my Canadian friends: there’s the same voltage all through North America, right? I won’t need voltage adapters for electrical outlets?

    • Georgiana June 15, 2024 / 11:00 am

      It’s the same voltage here than in the U.S. you don’t need adapters and don’t miss going on the Maid of the Mist boat to the falls it’s really fun especially when it’s hot.

      • DEBG June 15, 2024 / 1:20 pm

        It’s already on our list of things to do! Thanks so much for the info.

  6. Duckie 🐥, June 15, 2024 / 12:12 pm

    Hooray, it’s the weekend!
    Georgiana, I’ll take Minnie for a while, if you like. I can use the break.
    Won’t bore everyone with great detail, but lots going on. Huge upheaval at hubby’s job pending (not for him, but involving him). Finalizing of parents’ will. Upcoming discussion of parents’ end of life care (dad swore when he realized that hasn’t been discussed yet) and POA. Hubby’s application for disability tax credit being reviewed now; got letter in mail advising him that our doctor is being contacted to confirm details (this will be life changing if it goes through). Hubby going away for three days next week, so I’m doing massive cleaning today in order to play while he’s gone. Huge restocking of craft supplies yesterday (to play with while he’s gone). Found PERFECT colour of embroidery thread to match cheek patches on Duckie’s head. Lowering all the perches in Duckie’s cage because she is starting to lose her balance, and making a comfy place on the floor of cage in case she decides to stay there. Sewing curtains for our sun deck so we can use it in privacy and shade this summer (neighbours thinned some trees too much for my liking). Glorying in the amount of rain we’re getting, as it will reduce the number of fire-prone days this summer.
    Off to cheerfully clean the bathroom and diverse other mundane things. I miss my husband horribly when he’s gone, but I do enjoy not having to clean up my creative mess to make room and time for meals.
    Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

  7. allein 🐾 June 15, 2024 / 12:51 pm

    Late today. Went out this morning and had approximately 6 inches of hair chopped off. Then I went to the mall to get PJ bottoms shorts for my dad for Father’s Day. While I was there I went to Ulta to see if I wanted to spend the money on the smoothing product she used in my hair. She said it was probably around $38 but you don’t use much so it lasts forever. It was actually $34, and the larger bottle was $57, and then they had one little 2 ounce bottle that was still 20 bucks but it will still last me a while and I decided to get it. So we’ll see how that goes when I have to dry my own hair tomorrow. First I have to remember to use less conditioner in the shower.

    The dogs were tied this week.

    • DEBG June 15, 2024 / 1:26 pm

      We don’t deserve dogs. They bring us so much love and joy.

      • 6rabbits June 15, 2024 / 2:53 pm

        Seriously! Love the Chihuahua’s glance at the camera😊

  8. Kar June 15, 2024 / 5:59 pm

    I wouldn’t move either if I had a sweet kitty on my lap.

    Had a sparsely attended neighborhood party today, got to meet some new folks.

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