10 thoughts on “Bunday Boss

  1. 6rabbits June 23, 2024 / 8:06 am

    Scritches, yes; carrots, no. How about I up the ante with 🍌banana🍌?😘

    I would not have a bunny so near those tempting cords! Tho I have realized with Pretzel, that not all bunnies see cords as a tasty banana!

    I can open the patio door for about 2 hours this morning before the humidity and high temps take over!🥳

  2. allein 🐾 June 23, 2024 / 8:58 am

    If this cutie was on my desk, I’d consider it.

  3. JenDeyan June 23, 2024 / 10:27 am

    How about we procrastinate on the report and double the scritches and ‘nanners?

    • Duckie 🐥 June 23, 2024 / 11:37 am

      I was just going today, not necessarily in that order.

      • Duckie 🐥 June 23, 2024 / 2:29 pm

        To say, not today.

  4. AJ June 23, 2024 / 10:58 am

    I’d never get anything done with this prosh bun bun anywhere in my office. And since I’m not a big banana fan, you can have all mine.

    Annndd I think I jinxed myself by commenting yesterday how our weather wasn’t too bad. Mother (or Father) Nature heard me and said hold my beer, let’s turn things up a little bit. We were hitting almost 90 yesterday and the sun was blazing hot in a clear sky so it felt even hotter. Today it’s already 22 C before 8 am and promising more of the same. Thankfully I finished my outdoor chores already so I can now go into nice A/C stores for the remaining errands. Stay cool everyone!

  5. Luv Bunny June 23, 2024 / 2:05 pm

    I could have used that cutie bun by my computer this morning. It seemed like forever and a few headaches to get my tasks done. Then again, it would have taken longer because I would’ve had to stop numerous times for cuddles and giving precious bun some treats.

  6. DEBG June 23, 2024 / 11:18 pm

    Beautiful bunbun.

    I just got back from Niagara Falls. It felt hotter there at 84F/28C, with high humidity, than it does back here in Colorado in the 90s with practically no humidity. But all the sweating was worth it to see the sights!

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